Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [adv] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The concern of Marland ( 1986 ) and Tickle ( 1987 ) about the lack of research quoted earlier is one of the signs of how the arts are being starved of funds whilst other curriculum areas , most notably the development of the ‘ balanced science ’ curriculum programme through the Secondary Science Review ( Association for Science Education , 1987 ) , have been aided by ethnographic research supported by the DES .
2 The story of how the defenders withstood the might of Cromwell 's army , of how the Honours were smuggled out from the castle under the very noses of the English and hidden beneath the floor of nearby Kineff Kirk , and of how they lay buried for eight long years until returned once more to Edinburgh Castle , is one of the most well known , oft-repeated tales of Scottish history .
3 It will tell the story of how the rules of the sport were established , the great men and institutions behind them … and some of the scandals .
4 The second part of our series on the agency tells the story of how the photographs were taken , and how the agency came to own them .
5 Of course the public only wanted entertainment , but the point for intellectual observers was that the public had only wanted it on their own terms and so the story of film was the story of how the masses had dragged it down to their own level .
6 In this discussion it has been hard to draw the line between issues that are essentially ‘ characteristics of policy ’ that affect implementation , and points that are really observations about the characteristics of either the relationships between central policy makers and local implementers , or of the organization of the implementing agencies .
7 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
8 This appears to envisage rules which require the disclosure of only the arrangements for the payment of commission and not of the actual amount .
9 While ignoring the possible trauma caused by the actual fighting itself , it graphically explores ( through brilliant performances by Frederic March , Dana Andrews , Harold Russell , Myrna Loy and Virginia Mayo ) the fractures that war creates in the lives of even the victors .
10 As to the question of where the resources should come from , avoiding the easy ( albeit probably correct ) let-out of ‘ abolish capitalism ’ , I would say simply that the transfer of money to unpaid workers ought to be the next stage in the redistribution of wealth , taking precedence over ‘ breadwinners ’ pay claims , tax-cuts or ‘ family ’ benefit increases .
11 Because we do not know who owns Delion we do not know who bought the property , which raises the question of why the purchasers want to remain anonymous .
12 Answer guide : This raises the question of when the earnings process is complete and in this case it would seem that the process is not going to be completed therefore no entries need to be made .
13 For example , while the present data show how soft constraints affect preference ( and thus the state of the comprehension system ) , they can not address the question of how the preferences develop over time on reading a stimulus sentence .
14 However , the question of how the effects of changes in interest rates get transmitted to real expenditure decisions is unclear .
15 to the question of how the dinosaurs regulated , or failed to regulate , their body heat .
16 Writing in 1928 the American critic Gilbert Seldes summed up the process of how the movies had accumulated their audience as one which
17 In the examination itself , divide up the time on the basis of how the marks are likely to be distributed ; if you run out of time for your first answer , quickly sketch a conclusion and move on to the next question , so that you have provided at least a general indication of work in all the questions .
18 In such a world , the easy resolution of the ethical dilemma remains problematic , for as Anne Akeroyd ( 1984 : 134 ) recognizes ‘ there is not , nor ever likely to be any definitive agreement about the nature of either the problems or solutions [ facing the social scientist and the question of ethics ] ’ .
19 The Baricol team have studied the implications of how the actions of one individual effects another — hence the Domino description .
20 Though a bold start , the exercise has still to tackle the problems of how the targets are to be achieved or the deeper involvement of other sectors with an influence on the key determinants of health .
21 The details of how the connections are made appear in ‘ Curriculum to serve society , how schools can work for people ’ which incorporates a case-study of how we in Rawlins have thought about this problem .
22 The details of how the teams from both organisations will integrate will be decided over the next few months by a project team made up of staff from AEA and Warren Spring . ’
23 It 's got lots of words written up , one after the other — I suppose the names of where the trains are going .
24 We eased ourselves along the channel out between the rocks to the edge of where the waves were breaking and watched a few big sets roll through .
25 We 'll meet the woman who thinks up the questions , learn the secret of how the Blockbusters board works .
26 They would never get more than a phrase completed before an argument would break out as to the merit of either the words or the music .
27 This month I want to take some of the mystery out of ribber work , by looking at the basics of how the carriages function .
28 Analysis of the exceptions in Taskopruzade/Mecdi is difficult on two grounds , first that one can not , in the period covered by them , be absolutely sure of the status of either the medreses or the kadiliks involved , and second , that neither author is inclined to give the sort of detail that Ata'i gives in , for example , the biography of Molla Bostan , alluded to just above , from which it is at least arguable that Molla Bostan 's re-entering the medrese stream was exceptional .
29 Sometimes , we have to deal with very old hard and thick wood that taxes the strength of even the loppers .
30 Stress on the 12 anchors will be constantly monitored by a computer which will sound an alarm if there is a change in the angle of any the chains .
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