Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [adv] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
2 How our lives have changed in the course of just a few decades .
3 Many small birds have escaped with the loss of only a few feathers because of a smartly delivered peck with a sharp beak .
4 Miraculously , however , the books hold together , with the loss of only a few pages , until the end of the year .
5 The requirements of the sectors which are expanding today bear little resemblance to the requirements of the industries of the last century , or indeed to the industry of only a few decades ago .
6 Yet to arrive at this version , Ohmann has nullified the effect of only a few transformations : those transformations used to form coordinated sentences ( cf[5] ) , relative clauses ( cf [ 6 ] ) , and comparative clauses , together with certain deletion rules .
7 The discovery of even a few of these objects could tell us much about the early history of the Solar System , perhaps more than we would learn from the elusive ( or illusory ) Planet X. Gerald D. Quinlan is at the Lick Observatory , University of California , .
8 Moreover , the Leicester mosaics themselves can hardly be construed as the work of exactly the same group of craftsmen , because the St. Nicholas Street mosaic appears to include work of a standard below that of any in the Blackfriars mosaic ( see section 4.4 ) .
9 The high degree of stylistic affinity maintained between the pavements from Woodchester , Barton Farm and Stonesfield ( section 5.1 ) does suggest the work of much the same group of craftsmen .
10 To a large extent this is due to a natural tendency , already mentioned earlier , to simplify the whole issue by treating experiences as logically on a par with other phenomena , and hence as being tractable with the help of basically the same conceptual machinery .
11 The Minoans , under the influence of exactly the same drug , may well have had visions of a fantastic , maze-like building , and based the design for the Labyrinth on their visions .
12 If the sociologist regards the interview schedule ( and , as we shall discuss later , the questionnaire ) in this way then he will not rush blithely into the field with a schedule which is the product of just a few hours ' odd jottings on rough paper .
13 Such large assemblages of young in the charge of only a few adults is known by the French word for a nursery — a creche .
14 Public perception of the war in Europe was of a senseless conflict fought out in the mud and filth of Flanders , with thousands killed each day for the sake of only a few yards of territory soon lost in the next offensive .
15 In hard rock the edge soon became dull , and the drilling of one sufficient hole could require the use of quite a few of these drills which had to be carried by the miner to his place of work , even though that might entail climbing hundreds of feet of pit ladder .
16 The scientists stressed that it was little more than a laboratory curiosity , the energy coming from the fusion of only a few hydrogen atoms and ‘ was scarcely enough to register on highly sensitive measuring instruments ’ ; although the process had no immediate commercial value it suggested ‘ possible industrial uses of immeasurable importance ’ .
17 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
18 The 28,000 mile race could be settled within the space of just a few hours this weekend .
19 In the space of only a few years , they regularly flitted around Manchester .
20 Yet within the space of only a few years , all this optimism , not for the first time , was in tatters — against a world backdrop that was also changing : the waning of American economic strength ; the rise of Japan ; the rapid expansion of decolonialisation ; new superpower hostility with the Cuban missile crisis ; the slowing down of economic growth and indications of problems to come .
21 So too , if we consult the Report of Her Majesty 's Chief Inspector of Constabulary , 1975 ( or almost any other year for that matter ) we find ourselves assailed within the space of only a few paragraphs with repeated references to The report was generous enough to remind us that the personal violence over which so much ink had been spilled amounted to less than 4 per cent of known serious crime .
22 In the space of only a few weeks in the winter of 1862 Punch carried more than a dozen cartoons and a score of witty articles , fake court reports and novelty songs — including a seasonable Christmas Carol .
23 The lush farmlands of Combsburgh and the main trade of the little town had come into the hands of just a few landlords .
24 A special celebration is to be held at the Bluebell Railway on Sunday , to commemorate the achievements of both the former Southern Region , and the Southern Railway .
25 Mr Murphy says eligibility levels which took account of variations between households and actual , rather than assumed , figures for tax and housing , could be definitively assessed by further analysis of detailed Family Expenditure Survey statistics at the cost of only a few thousand pounds .
26 A good idea can therefore be brought to a successful and polished conclusion in a very short time at the cost of only a few sheets of paper and with the minimum of effort .
27 With the declaration of the Schuman Plan in May 1950 , European union was to acquire a new momentum and dimension , one that would proceed on a narrower front with the involvement of only a few countries , and in policy terms with a much more specific focus than that held by those who dreamed of European political federation .
28 The problem of how the several self-seeking individuals may combine to form an elite group is one of many loose ends in Pareto 's writings .
29 That no final accommodation between these diverse conceptions of the boundaries of English was achieved is clear from the re-emergence of precisely the same argument , but now within a much wider public domain , in 1981 .
30 Having tried out just about all the object-oriented databases out there , and signed agreements with the developers of quite a few , IBM Corp 's Programming Systems Division is phasing out all other agreements and signed a strategic partnership agreement with Object Design Inc ( CI No 2,156 ) .
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