Example sentences of "[art] [noun] on the [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Many problems which we are prepared to treat as bipolar have ramifications which could be taken into account if they were thought to be as important as the impact of the decision on the two contestants .
2 However , the total output voltage does n't equal the sum of the voltages on the four capacitors ; it 's less than that by two diode drops .
3 The data on the nine subjects who correctly identified each insulin were analysed separately but the results were not different from those of the whole group .
4 Comment on these comparisons These findings are generally in accord with the considerations on the two types of balanced tree discussed earlier .
5 Mention the economic and social sequelae , the effect on the Hundred Years ' War when soldiers , too , fell victim … the weakening of England 's hold on territories in France .
6 One final observation : It is possible , although I could n't reproduce the effect on the three models made , that a switch-mode power system may oscillate or be unstable on open or very light loads .
7 An example of such a calculation would be one which compared the images on the two retinas , and searched for differences which would provide information about relative distances .
8 But what they do ask for , and what we should be calling to this government to honour the existing contracts at Swan Hunters , to allow the workers at Swan to complete the work on the three vessels already in the river .
9 And it was very very poor holding ground and there was a man on the anchor rope or there was a man on the three ropes on the crews on the three ropes .
10 During those years , both faced the same general economic and social changes — fluctuations of world trade , changing technology , changes in the nature of work , a demographic transition , the growth of nationalism in Europe and the growth of working class political consciousness and organization — but the outcome on the two societies was very different .
11 The infant on the 1623 Manners tomb at Bakewell , Derbyshire , is a less attractive creature than the Williams child , though the grave-clothes are of greater interest .
12 Another would be to take photographs of the moon on the horizon , and in the meridian , without altering the camera settings , and compare the size of the moon on the two prints .
13 If the House so decides , we may be able to consider some of the detailed points during the debate on the four sets of amendments which will be considered in Committee .
14 Although a well-designed sports shoe should absorb the impact on the 28 bones in each foot , claims about miracle technology , making your feet feel fantastic while helping you to attain Olympic standards , should be taken with a pinch of salt .
15 That another son , John , subscribed to the Treatise on the Five Orders of Architecture ( 1787 ) by George Richardson , a draughtsman for the Adam firm , suggests connections with the book trade and architectural circles .
16 But , if b/a>1 the charges on the two cylinders have little effect upon each other , and the approach is permissible .
17 Carson announced Duncan to the man in the room and , once Duncan had entered the room , closed the door on the two men .
18 Building societies ' responses to the consultation on the 1992 regulations tend to favour that situation , and so the two are likely to move forward in parallel for the foreseeable future .
19 The overall correlations between the scores on the two tests were 0.80 for the two pairs of parallel mental tests ( N = 51 and N = 114 ) and 0.66 ( N = 104 ) for the written tests .
20 This meant staying in my room in the Georgetown Inn to watch the proceedings on the three networks during the day , and presenting a programme with extracts and interviews at night .
21 A sergeant and a constable went back with him to Moat Hall and the locks on the two outhouses were forced .
22 ‘ Then the twenty-five ships from Denmark sailed over to Siward 's ships and took aboard the men from the wrecked ships , and greeted the ones on the three ships that were not damaged , and , led by the three ships , set sail across the mouth of the estuary .
23 Could I just clarify one other point , erm I did incorrectly advise the panel on the ten miles .
24 All day I 'd felt calm , though aware that everything in Jamila 's life had changed ; and now , on the same day , if I was right about the looks on the two faces in the car with me , the same thing was going to happen to me .
25 Ironically for a quarrel which had arisen as a result of a revolt against the colonial taxation imposed to increase the revenue and retrench some of the expenditure on the Seven Years War , the American war doubled national expenditure from £131 million in 1775 to £245 million by 1783 .
26 I should emphasise that this result holds despite there being no interaction between the two separated particles A and B , and no connection between the two instruments required to make the measurements on the two particles .
27 A deliberate counterpoint has been introduced to each of the installations on the four floors by juxtaposing the Nouveaux Realistes with Cristo 's Support/Surface works , Picasso with Figuration Libre .
28 They have written to Director General of Fair Trading Sir Bryan Carsberg asking him to advise the Government to lift a ban on the two companies discussing the integration of their Dover-Calais services .
29 Instead , the organizers staged a hoax on the 39 horses and their jockeys , together with their trainers , owners and other hangers-on , the few tens of thousands of people waiting in the rain at Aintree ( near Liverpool ) , those who had wagered £75 million on the outcome of the race in Britain alone and the score of broadcasting organizations elsewhere that had brought the right to show the event on television .
30 The scrip alternative has no impact on the 1993 accounts .
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