Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 erm Many of the problems of what are usually called ‘ advanced capitalist industrial economies ’ are similar , erm and I think it is increasingly the case that we find that we ca n't tackle them on our own , we need to consult , we need to learn from each other .
2 Although he sounds the traditional warning that all electronics are aids to ‘ proper ’ navigation it is perhaps a sign of the times that he admits that many now see the chart-and- pencil methods as aids to the electronics …
3 How do we know that the experience that we presume that other people have in their religion is what we ourselves experience as we come apparently empty-handed to it ?
4 Feeling like a pioneer I was also conscious of the responsibility that I felt that I had .
5 I 'd read about this technique in my books , but it was only when I did the course that I realised that , although it would work for sparrowhawks and most other hunting birds , Dawn 's hunting did not depend on speed .
6 Mr Gray said the fact of the repatriations from Allied-occupied Austria in May and June 1945 was accepted , but what was at issue was Lord Aldington 's role , and the allegation that he knew that they would be killed .
7 I hope that we will be able to give them some sort of relief from the distress that I know that they will be feeling at the outcome of this case today . ’
8 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
9 However , it may incidentally erm come into the words that I use that erm er I 'm referring to the washed-over or other status of these two sites .
10 Erm and I think it 's exactly the same with some of the words that you know that I quoted earlier .
11 It was when I asked [ my wife ] to inject me in the neck that she said that she 'd leave me and take the [ four ] kids with her , if I did n't do something about it .
12 Now Lord we ask that the peace that you promise that passes our understanding will keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and in its Son , your Son , our Saviour Jesus Christ and we ask for the blessing of you , of the Father upon us , as we continue to serve in your name .
13 I it does n't speak very highly if I may say so Group Captain , for R A F discipline if what you 're telling me and telling the committee that you think that pilots should be using this facility , would be using this facility when they 're ordered not to .
14 Ms Sultana told the judge that she believed that she would only be truly married when she went through a religious ceremony in a mosque according to her faith .
15 The Kuwait the Kuwait cities are designed in such a way that the military installations and erm are outside the country , so from the eyewitnesses that we receive that all the bombings are on the outskirts of the city , no damage to Kuwait City or to the civilians inside Kuwait .
16 That was the point that she knew that the barrier had been broken .
17 Now the minister er er when in his speech earlier , er made the point that he thought that the proper interpretation in respect of all of these orders was a fairly wide one .
18 But it does n't it does n't take from the point that I made that it is i i the allocation they 're seeking is aimed at a very specific sector of the employment base .
19 Often , it is only after the story or the joke that they realise that this was no joke , that this contained important elements of the truth .
20 I wrote up these notes immediately after each occasion and as soon as they were typed , sent copies to those involved with the request that they verify that the substance and the spirit of each occasion were accurately and adequately recorded .
21 And there was this awful woman , Mrs so and so , that was always telling women what to do and , she she was n't very popular because some of the things that she suggested that women did to make do and mend were so tedious and time consuming .
22 What are the things that you introduced that were different from previous mayors ?
23 What are the things that you introduced that were different from previous Mayors ?
24 what 's happened , but it does say in it that at the beginning that you assume that he is a youth because he 's got , come from university , but when he 's in the graveyard the fellow , it , it comes out that he 's thirty is n't he ?
25 He asked me to take a message to the Blackpool Conference conveying to the delegates that he felt that he could not lead the Party at the General Election , and inviting those whose business it was to do so , to take soundings about the future leadership .
26 No one can escape the knowledge that we occupy that ‘ real world ’ , defined by profit and loss , the bottom line of an accounting system that is inflexible and unappealable .
27 And that was quite a good idea , because late at night following wedding parties and other , if anybody was behaving in an disorderly manner and people were returning home , they would always tell the policeman that they saw that a rowdy crowd were coming along .
28 All the people that he painted that Ehrenburg knew resembled their portraits : ‘ What is extraordinary is that Modigliani 's portraits resemble each other ; it is not a matter of an assumed style or some superficial trick of painting , but of the artist 's view of the world …
29 I had the feeling that he thought that his father did n't look after Lou well enough . ’
30 Had she been expecting any apology , though , Fabia realised then that she would have been disappointed for , ‘ Hrm , ’ was all he grunted , and , handing the letter back , he scrutinised her with a hard look , and Fabia had the feeling that he thought that she was the one in the wrong !
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