Example sentences of "[art] [noun] which do not have " in BNC.

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1 A kind of ‘ halfway house ’ between the area system and the reference departments/area system has been reached by some of the authorities which do not have a large city collection within their boundaries , but feel that the needs of the ‘ serious ’ reader should nevertheless be given special attention .
2 We were so far behind the group that King Hussein got us permission to fly the pipeline across Saudi Arabia ; the group which did not have the same permission had to backtrack to Luxor , before crossing the Arabian Peninsula .
3 If you do find this a particular problem during the early stages of F-Plan dieting , concentrate on the meals which do not have a high content of peas and beans until you have become accustomed to high-fibre
4 There is hardly a public library in the country which does not have , under one heading or another , a ‘ local studies ’ section , and these are vital sources to the student of local history .
5 As for the comparison with regions within the country which do not have balance of payments accounts , the balance of payments is a record of transactions between areas with genuine informational content even in these examples .
6 Granted you may be advertising to a sector of the market which does not have a university degree or even two GCSEs , you still have to recognize that few of them are illiterate morons .
7 A mini which did not have good on-line facilities just would not survive .
8 There is no one else in the world with your personality , May this book be a link between people , part of a chain which does not have a beginning or an end but only forms its beautiful pattern as each piece relates to the others .
9 Of course to be a human one has to be male or female , Jew or Gentile : a being which did not have sex and race would not be human .
10 The only pre-school provision within is a playgroup which does not have its own premises .
11 Is there some inherent virtue in a system of government derived from a constitution , which is lacking in a country which does not have such a codified constitution ?
12 The classic story is that of the blues singer Ma Rainey , contracted to a company which did not have electrical recording when it became publicized in 1926 .
13 Whilst non-equity shares have a particular legal status which justifies their inclusion in shareholders ' funds , this does not justify reporting within shareholders ' funds an instrument which does not have that status and may never be converted into one that does .
14 Unfortunately , it is difficult to demonstrate that an analysis which does not have an influence on interpretation has actually been carried out .
15 These effects occur when sets of items are followed by an item which does not have to be recalled .
16 Even if the possession of essential components was crucial to man , which it is not , would it be justified to say that an animal which does not have these components could not feel pain ?
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