Example sentences of "[art] [noun] they do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Try and tell the housewife they do n't work .
2 The dominant cultures have very often not understood their ways , have gaped at their nakedness and laughed at the rituals they do not understand .
3 However , in the afternoon they did not find any suitable cottages to stay in , and it was too cold to sleep outside .
4 For studying botany in the field they did not have far to go .
5 I have told my hon. Friend in private and I am happy to tell him in public that if the doctors concerned say that when they installed the computer they did not know that the list size criterion existed , I am happy to accept that as a statement of fact .
6 He said ; The Hungarians are like the Russians they do n't like to use caged animals .
7 U P V C ones and erm but you see , in the kitchen they do n't go with
8 The women not only carried all the possessions they did n't want to risk losing in large baskets on their heads but also had to control their children and often had to sling them over their backs as they were too weak to walk themselves .
9 It was so small if you did n't pay the rent they did n't evict you — they used to flush you out with ferrets .
10 She waited , but without much hope , for Rupert to offer to run her home in the car they did not know he possessed .
11 As the result they do not sit very effectively over a bolt-hole .
12 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
13 You see in in , on the continent they do not build council ghettos .
14 Governments are picking out the bits of the plan they do not like .
15 When you when archaeologists carry out the dig they do n't dig up the whole site .
16 Yet , significant as many of these developments were , the majority seem chiefly remarkable for the wealth they did not generate .
17 Tribunals are an essential check on the powers of officialdom but at the moment they do not work as well as they should to ensure justice in welfare provision .
18 Well , anything that you can do there , erm in in the immediate future would obviously be helpful , to support our case for being considered as the er the er European supplier , erm , and likewise with Italy , Spain , and France , not withstanding that at the moment they do n't do a great deal of business , well Spain does a great deal of business , but I do n't suppose is in a position to do much in in the way of technical support , erm , right ,
19 At the moment they do n't know whether this was an accident , a murder or a suicide pact .
20 at the moment they do n't have anywhere to play .
21 Ask them why this is and they will reply that should they die during the night they do not want the person who finds them to feel they were dirty or slovenly .
22 When the first handful of rice hit the water they did n't dart to the surface , but calmly waited for it to sink down to them .
23 Erm but one of the things they did not like is for erm to have a sales consultant on the medical practice for three weeks using their
24 The CVR , besides contributing to the fund of knowledge about the flight , has provided the investigators with an insight into the way the flight crew were thinking and interpreting the indications of the progress of the flight by means of the things they said to each other , and sometimes the things they did not say .
25 Why ca n't people accept things for what they are rather than going all out to destroy the things they do n't agree with ?
26 They do n't see the person they do n't see the er the they 're kept separate but erm the they are rehearsed .
27 She went from room to room , praising the decor , and if she noticed the paintings they did n't appear to do her any obvious mischief .
28 And on the whole they did n't go around poisoning roast geese .
29 The VNODD as well as the communists had already been involved in fomenting strikes but on the whole they do not seem to have attached themselves to any cause other than nationalism and , while they were particularly active in attempting to subvert the army , when they finally and out of desperation , having been heavily penetrated by the Sûreté , attempted to begin their armed struggle , many of the Vietnamese riflemen in the battalion , which was induced to mutiny , rallied instead to their French officers .
30 Before going he had told us that firstly , all his carp had been caught on sweetcorn and bread and although fishing with boilies on one rod all week he had been able to get a take , in his words they just did not seem to eat them ; secondly , although there were plenty of carp on the surface they did not seem the least bit interested in floaters , and thirdly he was at a loss to know what one needed to do to put a cat on the bank .
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