Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that could [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 're obsessed by the shit out of which we 're shaped ( surgery ) , the shit that could befall us ( horrible accidents ) , the shit in our souls ( the drives and impulses we suppress and expel in order to constitute ourselves as normal , but which sometimes break free in perversion or psychosis ) .
2 Yet there are strong financial and commercial arguments why , ignoring the hype , any management should take a cool , business-like approach to assessing and where possible minimising the risks that could damage their operations in terms of liability claims , disruption of output or direct financial loss .
3 For the man at the centre of the police inquiry will be sitting on the committee that could decide their fate .
4 However the European Commission and most E C governments refute this and contend that legislation is needed to ensure that workers are not kept in the dark about decisions taken elsewhere in the community that could affect their livelihoods .
5 Preston 's Auntie Ethel and William 's mother , Elaine , had been best friends at school , which was why Preston had been detailed as William 's Minder — another one of Auntie Ethel 's great ideas , like the newspaper that could defend you against muggers .
6 THE brand new cars that are two years old , slimmers ' meals that are full of fat , holidays at the seaside that could damage your health .
7 SEMINAR ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY in conjunction with MESSRS DUNDAS AND WILSON CS at SALTIRE COURT , CASTLE TERRACE , EDINBURGH on THURSDAY 14 JANUARY 1993 AT 1800 [ the seminar that could save you thousands … ]
8 At this point in the exercise , the use of the instruments had revealed a number of factors in terms of the requirements of the IPS , and the problems that could affect its implementation and effectiveness .
9 It saddens me to think that as the elitists worry about the ‘ wrong ’ people getting into their clubs , and so tighten up their door policies , the indie kids , the hooligans , the ‘ lilac clad youths ’ are all denied the chance to hear the music that could damage their lives .
10 the market circumstances are such that there are a number of alternative buildings in the locality that could suit their company ;
11 It became clear that my enemy in all this business , the thing that could promote my own humiliation , was the Butcher 's measuring rod .
12 Right Neil , the reason is , at one stage there was er centres all over the country that could treat it .
13 WILLEM GERHARDUS HILLS filled his lungs with Yorkshire night air , raised his tracksuit collar against the biting cold and announced a decision that could change his life .
14 So I drove to Portsmouth expecting a great camel of the ocean , a small luxury liner even , at least a boat that could hold its head up in the seafaring world .
15 Masters of their art , Stock , Aitken and Waterman realised that day they had unearthed a talent that could outshine anything , even in their empire .
16 Just now he 's working on a deal that could give him a big say in the life of a lady who 'll ‘ definitely ’ be in the Top Ten within weeks .
17 The burgesses of the ‘ husband town ’ allocated such divisions on behalf of the Crown , the arable land being measured to assess its user 's liability for military service : a ‘ husbandland ’ was the area of ploughland sufficient to provide a man with a living that could afford him a horse and harness when called on in a Border emergency .
18 As her first movie The Delinquents — aided by some pre-release hype over Australian clerics calling for sexy scenes between her and handsome co-star Charlie Shlatter to be cut — opened around the world at the end of 1989 , Kylie was planning a move that could set her on that same yellow brick road to showbusiness immortality .
19 She should have left Rome as she 'd planned , she should never have looked into her heart and discovered a truth that could destroy her .
20 ‘ I watch everything I can because I feel this is a tie that could set us up for a good run in Europe , ’ added Creaney .
21 Maybe you would have been safer if you 'd not chosen a career that could involve you with mine . ’
22 WALES prop Mike Griffiths is facing a suspension that could rule him out of the clash with world champions Australia , after his dismissal in CARDIFF 'S match at Aberavon yesterday .
23 A sadness that could make her give up acting for good .
24 Causal attention to the way that a breeze moves the leaves on a tree would seem to make it quite unrealistic to think of having a theory that could predict their motion …
25 That kind of damp , chill August day only Blighty can produce , a large , scrubby field , a bill that could make you weep it was so poor .
26 CUT SHORT is a book that could put you off hospital for life .
27 From April 1st anyone found not to have followed guidelines on making VAT claims and payments will be liable to a penalty that could cost them and extra 30% plus interest on any unpaid tax .
28 ERIC PETERS inspired Cambridge to a remarkable Twickenham triumph with a display that could book his place on the England squad plane to Lanzarote on December 31 .
29 ‘ I have an offer that could interest you , ’ is enough to relax his guard .
30 The President may be watching to see how long Mr Buchanan remains a contender , delaying as long as is necessary making an appointment that could fuel his opponent 's campaign .
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