Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [modal v] [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 They 're obsessed by the shit out of which we 're shaped ( surgery ) , the shit that could befall us ( horrible accidents ) , the shit in our souls ( the drives and impulses we suppress and expel in order to constitute ourselves as normal , but which sometimes break free in perversion or psychosis ) .
2 We must n't make buying things a substitute for developing the skills that will give us real and lasting confidence in ourselves .
3 We 've had a couple of stoppages in the first half , not the sort that will give us the nine minutes of added time we had at Highbury on Saturday , but certainly a minute or two this evening .
4 And during that time I am going to work out a way to keep us safe while we complete the job that will make us rich . ’
5 It is not whether the idea is correct but the great scope o f the vision that should interest us .
6 If , as the Guardian said , ‘ the campaign barely touched on the issues that will engulf us ’ , this is because we , the people , have been treated like small children , and protected against upsetting debate ; like those news bulletins that warn that scenes we are about to witness may prove disturbing .
7 I think our survey showed it could be as high as fifty per hectare in fact , er but we did n't have a full response to the survey and er there 's nothing er in the results that would lead us to a conclusion that it should be lower or higher , so we 're quite happy to accept that assumption .
8 Anything else out of the way that might help us ? ’
9 On a continuum of complexity from the bottom of the structure to the top , where are the discontinuities that will allow us to identify layers of hierarchy that are distinct and separable , as different as ice is from water and water from steam ?
10 ’ Start Posi setting a course that will take us on to a parallel Netline , doubling back the way we came .
11 It did not generate a framework that would help us understand the nature of continuity and change in Britain .
12 It is about a relationship that changes the way we look at life ; it is about a friendship that will take us through life , facing the black moments as well as the good ; it is about God ‘ s time breaking into our lives , giving them hope and meaning and joy .
13 We want an education partnership between parents , schools , local authorities , industry and higher education — a partnership that will enable us to achieve standards comparable to those in the rest of western Europe .
14 It contains a programme that will take us well beyond this Session , after our fourth election victory in March , April or May of 1992 .
15 Do you want Dovelands put back ? cos Dovelands did n't come on this year either and this is a a dilemma that will face us all .
16 I did find a place that would take us but for Holmes there were too many interesting species of humans and dogs , for him to get involved in being trained .
17 There 's not a band that can touch us when it comes to performing . ’
18 ‘ I watch everything I can because I feel this is a tie that could set us up for a good run in Europe , ’ added Creaney .
19 I … well , I want to find a way to ensure that we have a method that will help us produce only the best and happiest of individuals , so that when the time comes for control to be applied , it can be done gainfully .
20 Is it your wish to totally destroy the Company in a lawsuit that will bankrupt us ? ’
21 So many of us keep so many medicines on our shelves for donkeys years in the hope that we might find a pill that will suit us at some time .
22 He was a welder that used to help us make up er special tools and things to break down tyres with and the little four-wheeled trailer with it , B-Seventeen wheels on it that Billy has in was made by him .
23 The fact that you are here in Wakefield is a stimulus — a challenge that will inspire us to fight you tooth and nail .
24 Is there no science that can tell us how these common evils of mankind can be avoided ?
25 His appeal to the concept of a super-organism allowed him to present ecology as a science that would show us how to manage the natural productivity of an entire region .
26 I agree with my hon. Friend the Member for Esher ( Mr. Taylor ) that other countries are offering to help us to use their sovereignty in a way that will benefit us in the future .
27 It is a problem that will dog us repeatedly in this history of respectable fears .
28 To discover that real face that is our own amongst the images , the image of a face that will give us a face once and for all time , remains a fantasy rather than a realisable project .
29 Mr Clinton said on Wednesday he had instructed General Colin Powell , chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , to design an operation that would protect US pilots and guard against drawing America into a deeper military role in the region .
30 You see the i it was er we used to make curtains then for Littlewoods , Littlewoods as it is now , they 're still , you know , the they were about the forerunners of the er tt this er catalogue business , and if they gave us an order that would last us a long time , and that usually the eight points , which was meant to say there were eight threads to an inch .
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