Example sentences of "[art] [noun] have [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The jargon , the mystique and the experts have dominated in the recent past .
2 Every other improvement for the guitar has occurred in the realms of hardware and pickups .
3 The trial has resulted in the development of a programme of internal evaluation .
4 This means that EEC law must be examined not only when the UK legislation has been passed to implement an EEC obligation but in all cases in which the EEC has legislated in the field under consideration .
5 If the scatter dice is an arrow the shell has landed in the direction shown 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , or 10″ away from the aiming point as shown by the artillery dice .
6 If the scatter dice is an arrow the shell has landed in the direction shown 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , or 10″ away from the aiming point as shown by the artillery dice .
7 First thing is to make sure that you get an opportunity to discuss it and I agree other people who actually res responded in seem to collect the fee and I am not paid to collect the fee to try to make it very difficult for people to respond but nevertheless the numbers that we , I think in terms of other areas , other areas , the response that we got it is a bit ironic though to sit here in the afternoon having listened in the morning to a lovely discussion which was agonising three hundred , five hundred thousand for on traffic calming .
8 Now the time had come for Mrs Wright to be churched and the baby christened ; every member of the garrison who was not occupied at the ramparts had assembled in the rubble-strewn yard of the Residency to hear the service , for it was no longer safe to hold a service in the ruined Church .
9 On the French side although the Communists failed to form a government and were thus not in a position to change French policy towards Vietnam — whether they would have wanted to do so is not quite so clear — the impasse between them and the MRP had resulted in a caretaker government under the veteran Socialist party leader , Leon Blum ; and Blum , calling for an end to equivocation and an absolutely clear definition of policy , had urged not only confidence and friendship but ‘ sincere agreement ’ on the basis of Vietnamese independence .
10 The squadron had gathered in the ante-room to the dining-room for a drink before lunch .
11 The film started with this character telling the audience how long the Führer had spent in the bunker that last time , just over one hundred days .
12 Typically , it had been Ivy , he 'd learned , who had been sent to collect the letter from Ruggiero which the gang had left in the rubbish skip .
13 By May , meeting the TUC again , he found their suggestion ‘ very interesting and attractive ’ , but was apprehensive that any consequent investigation of whether the pensioner had worked in the previous week would smack of means-testing .
14 Up to that time Parma had not been touched , and the Parmigiani had lived in the irrational hope that the Americans would not bomb the city because Toscanini , by then living in the United States , had persuaded them not to do so .
15 Many years ago , one of the hunters had drowned in a shallow lake further out across the plateau .
16 As demand for the drug has grown in the developed North , cocaine production has skyrocketed — up 600 per cent since 1980 .
17 The division has followed in the footsteps of Pochin 's mobile concrete pumping division who achieved the accreditation last year .
18 This is the more remarkable in view of the lukewarm support some of the policies have had in the Cabinet and party .
19 Nevertheless , there were widespread claims that , despite the government 's officially stated position of neutrality , the authorities had intervened in a variety of ways to support the candidacy of Kim Young Sam .
20 This round of the fight has ended in a draw .
21 Apart from Bob Cole 's homebuilt HM293 G-AXPG which was a familiar site at PFA fly-ins in the early 70s , and believed to be still in store , no other versions of the Flea have flown in the UK since the War .
22 The Duchess had sworn in a very mild tone , but her words still made Lord John bridle .
23 Mrs. Mott had been very put out by the long time the builders had stayed in the hall ; the chattering of the girls was the final straw .
24 The ownership and use of cars in the Netherlands has doubled in the past fifteen years .
25 The stick had broken in the middle , and one half still lay beside the murdered man .
26 Administrative complications and the high cost of running the course had resulted in a ‘ heavy swing of opinion away from the sandwich to the full-time course ’ .
27 The blood had come in the middle of the night and she had still been appalled .
28 The stranger had arrived in the dead of night , a sick man unable to walk unaided and noisily man-handled through the darkened house by several other men .
29 Further , for the reasons which I have given , the action which the applicant has begun in the Bow County Court appears to me to be , in Lord Lowry 's words , ‘ ill suited to dispose of the question at issue . ’
30 Although the materials have been changing the industry has stayed in the same places .
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