Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and [art] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The break-up of Pangaea ( Fig. 2.16 ) generated a considerable length of passive continental margins and analysis of the palaeomagnetic record of the continents and the subsequently created ocean floor has given us a fairly good idea of the timing of most of these rifting episodes .
2 The sober red brick exterior of the building and the newly painted green double doors had given no hint of the chaos inside .
3 Until recently , high trade barriers have existed between countries of the Communist East and those of the capitalist West , stimulated by both the clear political opposition of the ‘ cold war ’ and the incompatibility between the free market system of the West and the centrally planned and controlled system of the East .
4 Instead there is searing pain , blistering of the skin and a rapidly discovered aversion to swimming in the sea .
5 Worst off were the private serfs , whose numbers grew with the extension of serfdom to the Ukraine and the newly settled lands of the south .
6 The exhibition ‘ Santiago Calatrava ’ in both the Gallery and the newly refurbished Florence Hall attracted huge crowds during the Autumn and received a great deal of publicity .
7 The TUC was never able to offer its full support for fear of challenging the law and a lawfully elected government .
8 Arguments of this sort which confused the " lower sorts of men " with the " higher sorts of ape " were not simply exercises in increasingly refined scientific discrimination ; they were closely meshed in with an ongoing dialectical debate , the original purpose of which had been to establish a synthesis between the theological doctrine of the Fall and the newly discovered facts of human geography .
9 These well-protected dinosaurs each diversified into a number of genera ; the three main groups are : the stegosaurs of the Jurassic , with paired plates along the back and a nastily spiked tail ( Stegosaurus ) ; the ceratopsians , horned , rhinoceros-like dinosaurs of the Cretaceous , including the familiar Triceratops ; the spiky armoured ankylosaurs , tanks on stumpy legs .
10 The City was alarmed at the hefty slide into the red and a heavily reduced dividend payout and knocked 19p off the share price to 173p .
11 A mountain of research has shown that the population of a species is commonly limited by shortages of resources in a density-dependent manner ; the larger the population the greater the shortage and the more marked the effects of starvation .
12 By this time it was only the bullards and the newly created orders of masons that held the knowledge of the bull .
13 By the turn of the decade , the partners and a specially created employee trust bought the business back from Henderson Administration — by way of a cash payment and a short-term fixed interest debenture — long before the term ‘ management buy-out ’ became part of everyday business vocabulary .
14 These differences are important , just as it is important to highlight the political position taken by the editors of the volume and the empirically based nature of some of the chapters ( chapters 8 and 9 ) compared with the more abstract nature of others ( chapters 5 and 6 ) .
15 She stared , fascinated by the carpets on the floor and the brightly painted candles , and wondered why the Catholics lit candles too if both sides had hated each other as much as they had in her school history books .
16 For much of 1981 we were running not only behind Labour but also behind the alliance formed by the Liberals and the newly created Social Democratic Party of David Owen , Bill Rodgers , Shirley Williams and Roy Jenkins .
17 For one thing there are usually very many other things at an event which need to be organised and directed by the PRO and a well briefed photographer can take at least one burden off the PRO 's shoulders .
18 By permitting one side of the frame to touch the basement membrane , the subepithelial zone was divided into areas of 0.008 mm , which usually included the whole lamina propria of the villi and the so called ‘ mixed cell zone ’ of the Peyer 's patches domes .
19 He must have been about fifty summers old , his copper-coloured face was lined , his swept back hair silver-grey , but the moustache and the neatly clipped beard still showed traces of a golden youth .
20 In anticipation of an army coup , Croatia and Slovenia had placed on alert the security forces under their control — the police and the newly formed gendarmerie , the so-called specijalci .
21 Bentley says of them ‘ With a silly thought in the middle and a sillily conducted in its several points .
22 At the same time , an association must be made between the unit and a previously specified media type .
23 It is obvious that the more we are aware of the feelings , the more we understand about the filter and the better placed we are to minister to an individual 's needs .
24 I was giddy with the heat and a little flown with the wine .
25 Leaving the heat and the nearly finished bridehouse , I returned to soak up the last of a cool , green English summer .
26 By tradition , the construction industry is the first to feel a recession and the hardest hit — and this recession is no exception .
27 Working with a video camera capable of converting an image into digital form , a computer and a specially designed software programme , the trio were able to create photographically convincing composite portraits .
28 The accused , a 40-year-old police officer with a wife and a recently discarded mistress , claimed that the woman in question , to whom he had casually given a lift , offered him sex in return .
29 Despite this , the evacuation was successful , partly because the accident occurred at a weekend and the immediately affected area was sparsely populated .
30 I was banned , however , not because I am a convicted criminal , I think — like the unfortunate Simon Hayward — but because I wanted to wear a false nose out of consideration for the feeling of my associate , Mark Chapman , who , as I explained last week , has just had an inch and a half lopped off his .
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