Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [that] [pron] is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There may be snags and complications but , provided there is no great delay , the cost depends on decision : the money that it is intended to spend .
2 Second , it is commonly the case that what is highlighted or backgrounded is an attribute , or range of attributes , of the entity referred to .
3 It is usually the case that what is specified , against a certain background assumption , is a part of the nomic correlate of something else .
4 If , for instance , he is on the common law side , the case that he is asked to consider may turn on the Landlord and Tenant Acts , the Rent Acts , the Consumer Protection Act , the Food and Drugs Act , the Town and Country Planning Acts , the Arbitration Act , tax law , separation , bankruptcy , conflict of laws , carriage of goods , insurance , and many other topics that he may never have studied at the University or for his Bar examinations He will not be expected , and will not need , to have every detail of all these subjects in his mind .
5 This is the figure mentioned as so resembling the copies of the Tyrannicides that it is known as the Kritian boy .
6 The protection that she is offered is so grossly inadequate that the Minister should be ashamed that he has done nothing about it .
7 It was of the kind that one is warned against sleeping upon , but I knew she did sleep upon it .
8 It is not the case that the legitimate power of authorities is generally limited by the condition that it is defeated by significant mistakes which are not clear .
9 Similarly , the recognition that what is said about Jesus in the New Testament is the expression of faith in him , and that this side of the matter , though not the only one , can not be left out of account , has also become a basic axiom of much modern New Testament study .
10 The essential processes of Step 1 is surrender : the recognition that one is beaten , that one 's own perceptions of reality are inappropriate and that one 's life has become unmanageable and that one 's own attempts to control one 's emotions and use of addictive substances or behaviour have totally failed and always will fail .
11 In addition there has been considerable cultural experimentation , with the result that what is considered desirable in some places is not in others , where its consumption may indeed be taboo .
12 But perhaps we have grown over-concerned about the conscious levels of rationality and suppressed for too long the reservoirs of subconscious feeling which the Spirit seems to touch and use when a man prays in tongues , with the result that he is built up , even though he can not understand what he is saying ( I Cor. 14:4 ) .
13 Pyridinoline ( also known as hydroxylysyl pyridinoline ) and deoxypyrolidine ( also known as lysyl-proline ) are not further metabolised , thus providing a better index of resorption than hydroxyproline , which also has the disadvantage that it is found in skin as well as bone .
14 So wide are the analyses and the prescriptions that one is tempted to wonder whether the concept of pluralist stagnation might itself be applied to the political analysis of Britain 's ills .
15 Where the plaintiff has been found to have been contributorily negligent , his damages will be reduced by the proportion that he is found to be to blame for his damage .
16 Mr Major must hope that his new chancellor does well enough to rescue the economy but gets so battered in the process that he is judged unfit to be prime minister .
17 However , the contractual commitment stems from the first of those calls on the basis that it is followed up by the time agreed .
18 Behaviour which involves assimilation of the subject matter , attitudes , and values of the foreign language and culture to the point that one is identified by them .
19 or anything like that and I will make the point that it is targeted at a sector of the economy and the workforce , it is not the whole economy and not the whole workforce .
20 Reasons for the successes and failures of these attempts are discussed in the light of the principle that in order for a treatment to be widely used , it must be inexpensive , freely available and acceptable to the population that it is designed to help .
21 Generally , once a settlor has put property into a settlement he will have alienated the income therefrom for income tax purposes for the period that it is held in trust .
22 He feels so close to the nature of the place that he is photographed on the jacket of his book wearing a curious hat and holding the tusk of a wild pig .
23 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
24 It is not , in my judgment , a valid objection to the S.I.B . 's pleaded case that these defendants have not themselves received any of the money of the investors that it is proposed that they should be ordered to repay .
25 A provision in an executive director 's service agreement which gives him the right to leave the company with a generous financial package , either in the event that he is dismissed prematurely or because a defined event occurs ( eg a takeover ) which entitles him to be paid a pre-agreed sum .
26 In the event that it is felt that enquiry is allowable , the usual choice is between Proof or Jury Trial .
27 They have first claim on the debtor 's assets in the event that it is wound up .
28 It is the purpose of training to instil in the child mind a conscience that will be his guide , and this training is best done , and usually is done , by the various processes involving reward , and in this respect it must always be remembered that there is little greater reward that can be offered a child than the knowledge that it is loved .
29 It is noteworthy , then , that the recipient often writes down the details that he is told .
30 Retributivism justifies punishment on the ground that it is deserved by the offender ; reductivism justifies punishment on the ground that it helps to reduce the incidence of crime .
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