Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] away [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The jeep driver was pleased at the opportunity to get away for a few hours and we set off about 3 p.m. , arriving in the area of the Highland Division a short time later , after following their divisional signs along the country lanes .
2 The referee was weak and allowed the Russians to get away with a few naughty episodes but to be honest Liverpool were n't that far behind .
3 The desire to get away from an extrinsically motivated mastery of skill at the expense of meaning has led them to question the necessity of graded readers .
4 ‘ Next year will be hard work -but perhaps the year after that I 'll get the chance to break away to a Greek isle and do a Shirley Valentine … ‘
5 And of course , there are apples to be bought at the farm gate and cider from the press to carry away as a reminder of the time spent in the Marcle Ridge .
6 On a pre-war state visit to India , he outraged officialdom by cutting a banquet to slip away to a pretty Burmese princess he had met at the Middlesex Regiment Ball .
7 Observers say that Reagan 's plea to scientists to develop non-nuclear defences is part of a plan to back away from an offensive strategy based on the homeless MX missile .
8 The use of a problem-orientated approach assists a therapist to get away from a purely medical or diagnostic approach because problems of a personal , social , medical , and psychiatric nature should all be included .
9 When asked how he had enjoyed his stay at Castaic , he said , ‘ It was a relief to get away for a while .
10 It must be a relief to get away from an awful mob like us . ’
11 Well the new edition 's just come out and it 's in the shops shortly , it 's priced sixty five pounds , and as usual they 've let Radio Oxford have a copy to give away as a prize .
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