Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb past] [to-vb] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 International forces landed in Beirut as the PLO started to leave and it was revealed that Prince Andrew , hailed as going to Cambridge University , had obtained one C and two Ds in his A-level results .
2 Then the wind began to blow and he began to feel cold and afraid .
3 Her shoulders dropped as the tensions began to ease and she raised her face to the condensed water on the ceiling , trying to relinquish control .
4 But the tumour continued to grow and she finally opted for surgery and chemotherapy .
5 Because there is this impasse between what the officers wanted to do and what the residents find acceptable the only way I can get this matter resolved is for the council to refer the possible closure to the committee so that the committee can consider all the facts er in the light of the advice of the officers erm and I therefore beg to move this .
6 As she opened the front door the phone began to ring and she rushed to answer it .
7 ( Errors in calculation have been made at times , but discovered only when the water began to flow and it was found that the levada went uphill . )
8 The S.N.M. declined to attend and it seems that General Aidid did not do so either .
9 But unfortunately the parting of the ways had to come and I worked in another wee shop er down in Albert Street in Leith .
10 Eventually the ground seemed to stabilize and there was a long silence during which the mist curled slowly upwards .
11 Many historians agree that there is a difference between what the state aimed to achieve and what it actually achieved .
12 The girls started to arrive and I looked busy with a pile of papers so that I would n't have to talk to them .
13 The door began to close and I put out a hand to stop it .
14 The man began to speak and it was Silver 's voice .
15 The drinks continued to flow and our guests were soon in gay mood .
16 A thick , choking smoke arose but the rug began to burn and she dropped it with a cry .
17 There was not a lot of the ship left to see and it was very cold , below zero in fact .
18 It was by then already obvious that the schools had overcome their first reservations er about what the scheme had to offer and it was so obvious that they deserved recognition for their efforts that it led to my colleagues , Councillor and putting down the motion to Council in April of this year , drawing attention to the continuing success in schools throughout the district of the Local Management initiative .
19 The women began to congregate and we rose to greet each other , even though we 'd met at breakfast less than an hour ago .
20 The excitement of the adventure started to dissipate and I was left with the cold reality of knowing that I was on a train with hardly any money , no ticket and nowhere to go .
21 However , that evidence has to be considered along with what issue the referee had to consider and what actually happened in the reference .
22 However , the trucks failed to appear and they learned that talks will be held today with the telecommunications consortium .
23 ‘ All the facts seemed to fit and he even looks like Ben .
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