Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [coord] [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 He was acquitted , but not before the dockers and other waterfront workers had entered the dispute in support of the seamen and victory over the employers had been won .
2 and there 's also there 's a usual crack between the plasterboard and ceiling over the door and a little crack running down to the door .
3 Recognise in time , perhaps only from the despair of repeated failure , that you yourself did not cause the disease , can not control it and can not cure it and that in time you may need to surrender the fight and hand over the care of the sufferer 's addictive disease to his or her own appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
4 When he came back he was carrying the calf , his arms encompassing all four legs , so the hooves came together in a bunch , with the rump and tail protruding over one forearm and the shoulders and chest over the other .
5 There is general agreement between leaders of the LDP and business over the need to reduce state spending so that taxes can be lowered to allow private initiative to flourish .
6 She hit upon a pair of corduroy breeches which would fit snugly at the waist but balloon over the hips , with highly-polished brown leather boots for a touch of chic , a maroon Italian sweater , which at 15p at a jumble sale had been a real snip , and a jaunty maroon beret .
7 In 1832 the new Prussian Oberpräsident Edward Flotwell supervised the introduction of a property qualification into municipal elections — a manoeuvre that automatically increased the influence and power over the Poles of the German settlers , burghers and merchants .
8 The town has made great strides forward working with the community and business over the past few years in cleaning up the town and making it the kind of place which is able to compete and win a national environmental accolade . ’
9 ‘ The town has made great strides forward working with the community and business over the past few years , and making it the kind of place which is able and compete and win a national environmental accolade . ’
10 To help find the hazards the balloons and text over the page will give you some clues .
11 Fans are used to draw ambient air over the condenser and air over the evaporator inside .
12 The delay and uncertainty over the fate of Challenger 's principal cargo , the tracking and data relay satellite , which is now aloft but in the wrong orbit , means that Europe 's Spacelab may have to operate at half-speed when it is launched in September .
13 This demonstration shows how railways have improved communications between the signalman and driver over the last eighty years .
14 As soon as the initial 48 hour period is over , the police must pass to the prosecutor all materials concerning the offence and hand over the investigation to him .
15 After all the cutbacks and retrenchment over the last decade or so , this may come as a surprise to you and has certainly caused us to reassess the way we approach our planning .
16 And apologies if any of you have tried sending mail and stuff to the list or listserv over the past hour or so ; it was n't working .
17 The surprise announcement of British entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism appeared to have solved , at least in the short term , the long-standing divisions in the party and government over the correct approach to Europe — divisions that had contributed to Lawson 's resignation a year earlier .
18 The debenture included a common form power to appoint a receiver and manager over the assets charged in the event of the company 's failure to make payment of the sums secured on demand by the bank .
19 ( 1 ) It is not argued that under English company law , or under the English law of mortgage , a foreign company , that is a company not formed and registered under the Companies Acts , lacks the requisite legal capacity to enter into a debenture secured by a floating charge on property both in England and abroad and conferring a power to appoint a receiver and manager over the whole , or substantially the whole , of its property .
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