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1 The port of Goole on the River Ouse was opened in 1826 , at the junction of the Aire and Calder Navigation with the Ouse and the Don , and became an important Victorian canal port , providing a link with the Humber and the North Sea for places such as Doncaster , Wakefield and Sheffield .
2 Local teams have been out on the River Wye at Hereford this week for a final training session before the big race .
3 Local teams have been out on the River Wye at Hereford this week for a final training session before the big race .
4 Although the top line seat 's already snapped up , that is apart from the Didcot-based Williams driver line-up , the speculation surrounding the Pit Lane at Esteril this weekend was the pending signature of Nigel Mansell to the Oxfordshire team .
5 BOTH Newry and RUC produced several new faces from the wardrobes in the opening match of the Kirk Cup at Newry this afternoon — all for various reasons .
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