Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [v-ing] over the " in BNC.

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1 If a house is bought this way all the surveys and investigations should be carried out first , and you must be ready to sign and exchange contracts on the day of the auction after paying over the 10 per cent deposit .
2 Texas Instruments , Sun 's co-developer and fabricator , said that the ‘ business decision ’ to start ramping-up production of the smaller chips at the expense of fussing over the 50MHz part was made two months ago , because Sun could n't wait any longer .
3 Mr Adamec cited pressure from the opposition in bargaining over the shape of a new government as his reason for stepping down .
4 The advantages of bioleaching over the conventional recovery of minerals are many .
5 Remember , For Sale boards are subject to a maximum legal size , so make sure you do n't fall foul of the law by going over the top .
6 Isabel stood pressed back against the wooden panels , trying to listen for the sound of breathing over the drumming of her heart .
7 The most that can be achieved by the summit is to keep the Community from toppling over the edge .
8 Furthermore , the prominent courtier Sir John Hussey 's sycophantic resolution , moved in the midst of haggling over the subsidy bill , burdened landed estates of £50 with an additional shilling in the pound , making a total of 15 per cent compared with the general 10 .
9 The bridge itself is a straightforward design with the strings fixing through the back before passing over the bridge saddles .
10 The Mason climbed the spokes of the cart wheel , grunted with the exertion of climbing over the rim of the stage , and rose to his feet where the golden pavilion hid him from Gabriel 's view .
11 Attempting to get to grips with all the developments in nursing over the past five years is meat enough for any expert , and you will not be regarded as letting the side down just because you are not familiar with all the latest terminology or research in your clinical specialty .
12 After that , the framework of garden size and the plant 's neighbours constrains the subject from spilling over the edges .
13 Nothing but the thought of rolling over the awful figure within .
14 The new signings also face the pressure of winning over the fans who idolised Ian Wright , now at Arsenal , and Mark Bright who moved to Sheffield Wednesday last week .
15 Devlins Paddy did nothing special in his next three races but then suddenly seemed to get the hang of chasing over the barriers .
16 They claim their new car , launched this month , the eight two seven , is the answer to winning over the Americans who were unimpressed by problems with service and with getting spare parts for the original eight two five launched two years ago .
17 This prevents the muzzle from slipping over the ferret 's nose .
18 ‘ Like you and Bud , ’ North wrote to Poindexter , ‘ I find the idea of bartering over the lives of these poor men repugnant . ’
19 Since the average rate at which the foreign debt was raised was probably about 25 dinars , its dinar value in early 1988 was about 50 times as great , approximately the same as the change in the cost of living over the same period .
20 But the principal argument he produced in favour of ruling indirectly was not that Indirect Rule provided the perfect instrument of intelligent conservation , but that it created the possibility of exercising over the native a far greater degree of control than could be achieved if he were ruled directly .
21 Another way of reducing end-of-session flap is to spread the task of memorising over the whole year .
22 And he 'd escape the house by climbing over the back fence while they waited out the front all day .
23 There was no point in glossing over the situation .
24 If this was not so we would forever be bumping into things ; it would be impossible to pass through a doorway without banging into the doorpost or to cross a room without tripping over the furniture .
25 As for the militias , however zealous and heroic , they had no chance of triumphing over the Nationalist armies .
26 He saw that he had no chance of winning over the militants , and so abandoned the conventional view that a political settlement was essential .
27 Warburg , whose scholarly tradition was transferred to London in 1933 when the entire library was moved there , has provided a link between London and Hamburg which shows every sign of strengthening over the coming years .
28 I find it almost amusing to listen to several of my contemporaries tell me about that ill-fated occasion and how they found a means of getting over the Alps .
29 The General had no success in winning over the Big Three to his concept of a decentralized Germany , and he was excluded from the critical summits where Germany 's future was discussed .
30 He or she will receive a flow of income over the year and will engage in a flow of spending over the same period .
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