Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
2 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
3 They would be competing with each other in the canopy for exactly the same sunlight , but they would all have ‘ paid ’ much smaller growing costs to get into the canopy .
4 The boughs grow out from the trunk at nearly the same angle throughout the life of the tree and the sapling can be regarded as a geometrical model of the fully grown tree .
5 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
6 and they , they beat out the rhythm in much the same way
7 Aunt Emily said from the doorway in much the same tone , ‘ My dear Alexandra !
8 Try to plot the result on approximately the same scale as figure 9.10 so that you can compare the result with the economy in general .
9 As it happens , the Nuer have a social organization which is very similar to that of the Lugbara : so alike are they , indeed , that Middleton describes the Lugbara with virtually the same terminology as his teacher , Evans-Pritchard , uses in describing Nuer society .
10 Moreover , the Leicester mosaics themselves can hardly be construed as the work of exactly the same group of craftsmen , because the St. Nicholas Street mosaic appears to include work of a standard below that of any in the Blackfriars mosaic ( see section 4.4 ) .
11 The high degree of stylistic affinity maintained between the pavements from Woodchester , Barton Farm and Stonesfield ( section 5.1 ) does suggest the work of much the same group of craftsmen .
12 Every move he made was duplicated by the rest of the shoal at exactly the same speed and with absolute precision .
13 To a large extent this is due to a natural tendency , already mentioned earlier , to simplify the whole issue by treating experiences as logically on a par with other phenomena , and hence as being tractable with the help of basically the same conceptual machinery .
14 The others realised the error at precisely the same moment , and the subsequent racing back along the track towards each other could have been useful in Doctor Zhivago if someone had shot it in slow motion .
15 The Minoans , under the influence of exactly the same drug , may well have had visions of a fantastic , maze-like building , and based the design for the Labyrinth on their visions .
16 On Oct. 30 , on the other hand , a report by observers from the Paris-based International League of Human Rights claimed that " an extremely sophisticated method of fraud " had been partly responsible for the IDA getting twice as many National Assembly seats as the PPP with virtually the same share of the popular vote .
17 The ‘ societal response ’ seemed to determine the outcome in much the same way , if not more so , as social and economic variables in sociological positivism .
18 The Ebrahimi type of doctrine is most likely to occur when a partnership is converted into a company but the same people are involved as before and carry on the business with much the same attitude .
19 Curiously , this branch of crime fiction appears to have sprung up independently on either side of the Atlantic at much the same time .
20 I join the queue that stretches back through three carriages , in pursuit of a warm can of Travellers ' Fare lager — the only substance known to man that leaves the body in exactly the same state as it entered .
21 These may affect large sections of the population in predominantly the same way .
22 It is equally true to say that the advent of the impending change has caused the behaviour in just the same way as an itch causes a scratch .
23 Other implied terms seen in the context of hire include an obligation to deliver the goods in substantially the same condition as they were inspected by the hirer .
24 De Gaulle handled the problem of the committees in much the same way that he had dealt with resistance organizations in 1944 .
25 Brugg , on a direct road to the north-east should be visited , and so should Baden , just off the motorway in roughly the same direction .
26 Right , they do n't change much as a result of the degrees of freedom er adjustment okay with er squared distribution yes , sort of different distribution but we interpret the tables in exactly the same way so if you just have a look on your screen erm , there 's an L M version of the serial correlation test , right , and that has a squared distribution one right and the test statistic we obtain on your screens is calculated in two point eight eight , no two point zero eight .
27 As we understand it , nothing has changed in Japan but it still managed to make the news and push the share price higher , so that it ended the month in much the same place as it began .
28 The first two left the ground at almost the same instant and climbed easily with the help of the headwind .
29 Up and down the canal , as far as my binoculars can reach , the water is white with floating cottony flecks , and we can be sure that they have carpeted the ground to much the same radius in other directions too .
30 In this instance the directors are presumably the same as the shareholders , and the intention was , undoubtedly , to effect the motor vehicles ' transfer and payment of the dividend on exactly the same date to avoid a loan account debit and a s 419 assessment .
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