Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun] be a " in BNC.

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1 The activities of Whips are a mystery to most people outside Parliament but it is known that they do occasionally cajole , threaten and even bully MPs who might not toe the party line .
2 The defence of territories is a widespread habit among many kinds of animals .
3 The response to pruning is a concentrated and redirected burst of growth which will be more readily sustained by good , fertile conditions than can be expected on sandy , barren and infertile soils .
4 Although the addition of fibres is a fairly effective way of making these materials tough it does put up the cost of manufacture and it also restricts the number of applications for which they are suitable .
5 As I have a fairly tight budget I am looking to buy at around £6,000 to £7,500 , However , at this price the addition of VAT is a hefty extra .
6 The result of this sensitivity for the majority of respondents was a friendly but uneasy and measured co-operation , although there were extremes at either pole .
7 It is pleasant to find that this believer in the perfectibility of mankind was a good father to them all .
8 This stress on communitas [ the bond of community ] is one in which the potential divisions between active and contemplative life are healed , and provides the structure within which the prayer of contemplatives is a channel for the release of the love of God , not just within the self , but within society .
9 The reduction of fever is an early sign of improvement in tuberculosis .
10 The Prince of Wales is an irrepressible font of ideas , a classic entrepreneur .
11 The Prince of Wales is an expert at getting on to the person 's own level .
12 Given the nature of the building , the provision of ducts is a very complex task .
13 ( e ) Removal from accommodation The provision of accommodation is a service which parents accept on a voluntary basis .
14 The report states that the change in usage is a direct result of the advice given to farmers by the UK Agricultural Development and Advisory Service .
15 In previous long term trials with glycaemic control intervention the change in microalbuminuria was an accurate reflection of the change in glomerular filtration rate .
16 The efficacy with which Bush could authorize the use of force against Iraq without the support of Congress was an area of uncertainty — arising from the disputed constitutionality of the 1973 War Powers Act — which stalked the Bush administration in the run-up to the Jan. 15 deadline .
17 Truman 's work focused more explicitly upon organised groups , the increasing number and importance of which he regarded as a result of governmental growth : the ‘ trend towards all increasing diversity of groups functionally attached to the institutions of government is a reflection of the characteristics and needs , to use a somewhat ambiguous term , of a complex society ’ .
18 The auditor of government is a unique institution .
19 R. A. Butler believed the Education Act that was introduced and passed during his tenure as President of the Board of Education was a major change , in the direction of making Britain educationally ‘ one nation , not two ’ .
20 The heart of doubt is a divided heart .
21 Putting these answers together we can see that at the heart of fundamentalism is a longing for a faith which is secure , tangible , successful , simple .
22 At the heart of Awakenings is a journey into the unknown , a journey which it suggests can only be undertaken with faith , understanding and dedication to humanity in all its ravaged , tormented wonder .
23 Absence of odour ; the smell of disinfectant is a bad sign .
24 The Amulet of Fire is a good investment at 25 points .
25 To date , feminism has contributed a good deal of fuel to both sides of this dialectic , because the case of women is a peculiar one , and introduces even more complications into an already troublesome argument .
26 The case of dance is an obvious example .
27 EGRET has the conventional components used in high-energy γ -ray telescopes : an anticoincidence system to discriminate against charged particles , a spark chamber system with interspersed pair conversion material to determine the trajectories of the secondary electron-positron pair , a triggering telescope that detects the presence of charged particles with the correct direction of motion , and an energy-measuring device , which in the case of EGRET is a NaI(Tl) crystal .
28 The case of Virgil is a crucial one …
29 The receipt of such a bonus has an effect far outside the regular annual rise , which again in the case of ICI is a matter of such Byzantine complexity that it is often difficult to know whether one is getting a good or a bad one !
30 Also ownership is not the measure of whether something is an asset or not — substance over form — the case of leasing is a good example of how in contemporary accounting practice the idea of legal ownership is no longer seen as vital .
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