Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] and they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So what they had done it had a big slab there and it had got on it er The World 's Largest Slate Mine , and perhaps you 've seen it yourself they 've rubbed the T off and they put V and somebody 's done a very good job of it er in the same paint and everything .
2 And they take the cartridge out and they send it down to Cardiff which is where Mel is
3 And erm at the end of the week she 'll come and pick it up , pick the tape up and they give you a voucher for twenty five pounds for Marks 's for doing it .
4 But er to their credit er they got the contractors in and they commenced by putting up new pillars and new roofing structures and it took them about twelve months I think to actually build a new machine shop .
5 Like most of the ARC crews , the Twists had not sailed across the Atlantic before and they viewed the prospect with some trepidation .
6 I made a mistake by telling them the truth actually and they said you have admitted your fault .
7 Ca n't tell you how long a journey it was back in the fog from Liverpool that day , and then when we were relegated back again to the third division it was on the last match of the season against Charlton , and the heavens opened and a big thunder storm and it just flooded the pitch and the referee just called the match off and they had to play it again the following Friday and Charlton ran out two-one winners and Walsall finished with nine fit men and still that 's the football I suppose .
8 Yet they are using blackmail on miners to vote to close pits earlier than they year that had been decided on so that they can close the pit down and they have cut the redundancy payments for miners .
9 More often Hanka Zborowska switched the lights off and they pretended to be out so that Modigliani would not come up and ask for an advance on the next day 's work .
10 I flipped the pages resignedly and they fell open as if from use at the diagram in the first-aid section showing the pressure points for stopping arterial bleeding .
11 I cleared that and fixed the vice up and they said I could do that and I used the and that in their place and er then they had to quit the premises completely , did n't they ?
12 The last glow had gone from the sunflowers now and they hung their heads on their spindly supports .
13 but there 's both when they 've taken two out with the members here and they 've got their , you know , money , they are left out then
14 the hospital twice and they said , There 's nowt we can do , it 's got to make it right itself .
15 fancy the paella he said no problem I make paella so , I mean all of half an hour went by , but we went in and we had paella and then all these people started dancing , they moved the chairs back and they started clapping and singing and dancing and I said is this
16 I used to go to Sunday school all the time before and they said I could go free .
17 I bought it in a jar and it was it was funny at the poppy actually and they said
18 Th th we went in the in the Carriers today and they did n't have a ca er a er drink each and a packet of er crisps
19 But Geoff , he do n't shout out or anything — he just waits for a bit till they finish their tea and then he shouts out ‘ Enjoy your tea then ’ , and as they look up he pisses a bit more and they go barmy . ’
20 And I had a look inside and they 've got the kitchen done out in like erm light wood .
21 They were on Oh and there was the er where the Midland Bank is , there was a cafe there and they sold odd things you know .
22 He , he found out cos he went for , to , for a check up and they took his blood pressure .
23 Which is why the clients are sold a plan inappropriately and they cash it in , they get very little back .
24 But if it 's a bolt that holds a lamppost down and they 've under under-ordered , there 's not , but they 're with them , then we can take those .
25 They know the cost of a mortgage today and they know whether they can afford it or not .
26 Rodney was a lecturer there and they cherished hopes of a chair for him but unfortunately Daddy died before he could wangle it .
27 Mum and Dad were over here for a holiday a while ago and they went to the Cotswolds which they said were beautiful .
28 Two of them came round a while ago and they said , ‘ Our pigeon 's on your roof , miss , can we go up your house and get it down through your loft ? ’
29 Eliot was taking a day off and they got Linley .
30 But they 've done a tabloid internally and they 've asked me to come to take a look at it .
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