Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [vb -s] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Report itself is , as it says , largely a description of the present situation ; its value is therefore the opportunity it offers for new proposals to come forward .
2 The key advantage of membership of HIAN is the opportunity it provides for international networking .
3 The key advantage of membership of HIAN is the opportunity it provides for international networking .
4 The National Children 's Home wants the government to re-think the provision it makes for young people , increasing benefits for those on training courses and setting up grants for those leaving care .
5 And the way that the Government has reduced the provision it makes for higher education erm is that it is has so far erm kept us with the same amount of resources while expecting us to take more students .
6 IF the sophisticated modern diesel engine now makes economic sense for small cars , the savings it offers for bigger cars are more worthwhile .
7 Any model of the mind which allows for such a possibility is not a simple one , and hints at , if it does not actually affirm , the existence of the unconscious .
8 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
9 Partnerships should look at the case for an education service , in terms of the opportunities it presents for sensible planning , provision for population migration and demographic change , best use of scarce and expensive resources , effective curriculum and professional development , smooth transition between the ages and stages of education , and quality education for all those with special educational needs .
10 Just prior to the flight a 300-hour inspection had been performed on the aircraft which calls for full travel of the horizontal stabilizer in both directions .
11 Meetings on Thursday night and Friday morning also ended without a decision to accept the deal which provides for Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho .
12 The systems planning team will ensure that the subsystems are developed according to the plan which allows for some form of integration later .
13 Two separate advertisements will run during the campaign which lasts for eight months , the first between May & August with the second between September and December .
14 The CNAA , the body which has for many years awarded degrees in polytechnics , will cease operation in September 1992 and will be dissolved in March 1993 .
15 A significant aspect of her work is that it always broaches the boundaries between the traditional disciplines of philosophy , psychoanalysis , literary , and art theory ; the implications it holds for each are touched on by the essays in this collection ( for instance , Ainley , ‘ The Ethics of Sexual Difference ’ ; O'Connor , ‘ The An-Arche of Psychotherapy ’ ; Minow-Pinkney , ‘ Virginia Woolf : ‘ Seen from a Foreign Land' ’ ; and Burgin , ‘ Geometry and Abjection ’ ) .
16 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
17 He likes to get other people — usually me , of course — to do the dirty work : make the awkward telephone call , tell the gardener who comes for four hours a week that he has ruined the asparagus bed , speak to Tom 's teacher about his appalling arithmetic .
18 CMOS devices are also re-programmable using electrically erasable circuitry , and can pack more circuitry on board than bipolar chips — hence the ‘ CE ’ in the name which stands for CMOS-Erasable .
19 The client gets help for day-to-day problems , but the price he pays for this is to be the landlord 's follower , to do his bidding and accept his view of the world .
20 And no solution is possible as long as men are proud of their will to govern and are not themselves governed by the God Who cares for all races and all men .
21 Traditional library instruction has made considerable use of the lecture method for large groups , the guided tour for smaller groups , and individual help to the student who asks for this at the information desk .
22 Dr Fitzhugh admits that the prices he pays for commissioned prices are well below market value ; but few artists turn down the opportunity for such excellent exposure .
23 I think that is a , there is a need to look into this , it is an area where we have n't looked into at the moment , and when you consider the valuable work that our staff in the D S O organisation does , and the profit it makes for this county council , and the savings it makes for the county council , it would be sensible for us to also look into building maintenance as well .
24 Bembridge School takes the view that the collection no longer has any educational value , and that it needs the space it occupies for other purposes .
25 We may notice too that since pleasures tend to fade unless varied at every recurrence it is difficult to distinguish in practice between the man who lives for pleasure and the man who lives for new experiences .
26 To assist the haulier in making early settlement the creditor , upon receiving a written request , is obliged to give the haulier ( the debtor ) all the information he needs for this purpose .
27 The penalty one pays for this is that you never really get to learn and understand the basics behind simple design .
28 One of the consequences he claims for this theory is the disappearance of ideas ‘ to the precise extent that it has emerged that their existence is inscribed in the actions of practices governed by rituals defined in the last instance by an ideological apparatus ’ ( Althusser 1971 : 159 ) .
29 It 's a star when it comes to automating frequent tasks and it 's very good at queries and reports , especially in terms of the tools it provides for non-technical users .
30 In other words , in the time it takes for one murder on the crime clock , six workers have died ‘ just trying to make a living ’ ! ’
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