Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Auguste glanced towards the Prince of Wales deep in conversation with Lord Beddington .
2 McManaman was responsible for regaining the advantage for Liverpool late in the game and one or two of Beresford 's late tackles indicated just how much Portsmouth feared him .
3 The experience of California both in pollution control policies and as a testing or proving ground strongly influenced the direction of federal policies during the 1960s .
4 Sacrosanctum Concilium speaks of the presence of Christ both in the sacraments and in the liturgical reading of the Word ( SC 7 ) ; Dei Verbum likewise speaks of ‘ the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ ’ ( DV 21 ) .
5 ‘ He had been off-colour after running in the Mildmay at Sandown earlier in the season and we found that he had broken blood vessels , ’ said Gaselee .
6 And so we must start off this morning with his , perhaps most famous of all interviews that Jesus had , the interview with Nicodemus there in John , er er chapter three part of which Elaine read for us earlier .
7 It is for this — and other reasons — that some scholars have argued that both Britain and France exerted influence upon the formation of Nato well in excess of their physical strength — especially when compared with that of the United States .
8 This was his picture The Raising of Lazarus now in the Tate Gallery .
9 The influence of Jupiter currently in Cancer and passing over the mid-heaven point of your solar chart is quite awe-inspiring but somewhat difficult to harness .
10 I am able to escape the misery of golf in the south of England once in a while and go back to Scotland where sanity reigns and nobody condemns a high-handicapper !
11 He called on all his strength and brought the Sword of Khaine round in an enormous arc of death .
12 Other districts were illegally withdrawn from the Forest jurisdiction by magnates to make their private chases — such as the Earl Marshal 's chase near Chepstow , carved out of the Forest of Dean early in Henry III 's reign ; the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 's chase of Cannock ; and the Bishop of Ely 's chase of Somersham .
13 Virginia Luling spent five months in 1989 revisiting the town in Somalia where in the 1960's she first did here fieldwork as an anthropologist .
14 The film opened on 2,400 screens across the United States before opening in Britain and the rest of Europe later in the summer .
15 Isambard joined the King at Hereford early in May .
16 Like the whole of Cairo up in arms . ’
17 Since the Board are entering into a Scheme for adult education in co-operation with the LEA in Cambridgeshire much in the same way ( as ) had been done in Bedfordshire it seems as if it might be best for the Board to be recognised as the Responsible Body for this type of course .
18 Hugh you 've been minister of the parish of Inverleith here in Edinburgh for the past seventeen years , and I understand you were one of the very first vice convenors of the Board when it was set up eight years ago having already served the church on the former Interchurch Relations Committee .
19 Ken Gower from Pitstone in Buckinghamshire witnessed Britain 's first atomic bomb test off the island of Montebello also in the Pacific in 1952 .
20 Similar reef limestones extend up to Scandinavia , where they reach heir finest development in the island of Gotland out in the Baltic .
21 Nor was the successful Counter-Reformation beyond the Alps much affected by the spirit of Trent even in non-musical matters ; the most firmly Catholic of rulers , the King of Spain and the prince-bishops of the Empire , were very jealous of Papal interference in their domains .
22 He spoke slowly , deliberately , first in the music of Quechua then in Spanish , or Castellano as he called it , stopping to emphasise his points with a jabbing , rhetorical ‘ eh-eh ? ’
23 All agreeing to be wrong or at best ineffective is not going to make the voice of Europe louder in the councils of the world .
24 AN Italian admiral laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in Valletta yesterday in a gesture of reconciliation for the part played by Mussolini 's air force in the Axis onslaught on Malta 50 years ago .
25 It was forbidden to keep cockerels within the city of Jerusalem so in all probability the ‘ cock crow ’ was an early morning time of the Roman day , perhaps a trumpet call .
26 She was frequently found raiding the refrigerator at Highgrove late in the evening , and once startled a footman by eating an entire steak and kidney pie when she was staying at Windsor Castle .
27 Expect the results via RCA sometime in the summer .
28 This did not mean that he was at all sympathetic to evolutionary ideas , which seemed crude and mechanical ; but he was not patient either with ‘ Bridgewater writing ’ , because it meant seeing the hand of God more in some things than others .
29 If you go to the parks in Peking early in the morning , you will see hundreds of people gently exercising for health and longer life .
30 The move also meant that the £10 BILLION spent by the Bank of England yesterday in a bid to prop up the sliding currency was wasted .
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