Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Then there was the debate at the National Union of Teachers ' conference about the response to government plans for teacher assessment .
2 The staircase and walls are of white marble , with the addition of lapis lazuli for the geometrical floor pattern .
3 Opposition to the proposals has centred on plans to sell ITV franchises to the highest bidder , and the reduction in programme obligations for commercial TV .
4 Just over a year ago everyone got a bit of a scare when an opinion poll showed that one third of the French agreed with the extremist ideas supported by Mr Le Pen — priority for the French ( as opposed to immigrants ) in jobs , housing , and family benefits ; the abolition of all income tax and its replacement with higher rates of VAT ; the reintroduction of the death penalty for murderers and drug traffickers ; and the expulsion of the immigrant long-term unemployed ; the banning of tourist visas for Arabs and Africans ( to stop illegal immigration ) , and so on .
5 A preference for using one code rather than the other could explain differences between individual subjects in the direction of hemifield asymmetry for different tasks ( Kroll and Madden , 1978 ) .
6 The implication for the region is the provision of inservice training for all staff in schools to facilitate their participation in internal evaluation .
7 A more important factor , however , has been the provision of government support for collective bargaining .
8 The provision of state pensions for such people was a welcome addition to the incomes of the extended households they almost invariably belonged to ; it supplemented and sometimes replaced the help which lineages would otherwise have given .
9 Her determined campaigning for votes for women in the East End included the provision of welfare support for women and children .
10 The provision of core information for Coventry
11 Local conditions will control the need for the provision of water supplies for fire-fighting .
12 the New OED Computer Group Manager responsible to the Head of Computer Development for the provision of computer services for the New OED Project Team , he controls the Computer Group , and coordinates the processing and support functions .
13 The Friendly Societies and insurance companies , who were already involved in the provision of sickness cover for many working people , were allowed to participate as agents for the scheme and providers of additional benefits .
14 I think we all recognise that traffic issues here in Cambridge are likely to be controversial issues and I think we 'd all equally recognise that er the joint traffic management sub- committee has made considerable progress in recent years in the provision of cycle lanes for example , in dealing with illegal parking er on the city 's road and in improving the environment for pedestrians in our main shopping streets .
15 He has a long-standing interest in the provision of community care for disabled and older people , through his involvement with voluntary organisations including MIND , the Alzheimer 's Disease Society , the Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation and the National Aids Trust .
16 It is in its work on health and healing , the Board of Social Responsibility has for some years now been concerned with the provision of training conferences for ministers and others involved in this aspect of the church 's commission .
17 This Conference was staged at what has since proved to be an important turning point in the provision of training facilities for colleagues involved in the promotion of bilingualism and community languages .
18 I realise that this is a bad time to ask for help in any professional and academic matter , but in the light of cutbacks and recommendations from reports like the Swann Report it is important that we are clear about the provision of language education for future teachers .
19 It was believed that many of the functions of Clark Field — including the provision of transit facilities for special operations forces — were to be transferred to the Cubi Point Naval Air Station at Subic Bay .
20 The provision of health services for homeless families living in lodgings or hotel accommodation is a task for local GPs , health visitors and other members of the primary care team , and while depression , anxiety and emotional disorders are common , few require the services of the specialist mental health services .
21 One American commentator has expressed the following view : ‘ the skewing effect of an ageing society is that the economic imbalances caused by the provision of health care for the elderly potentially threaten the welfare of younger generations and of society as a whole … the stage is set for a profound confrontation . ’
22 A paper which I and colleagues in Grampian prepared for Scottish General Medical Services Committee posed the questions does this present an opportunity for general practice to have greater influence in the provision of health care for our patients ? does it put general practice in the driving seat in helping to determine the range and quality of health service provision ? or might it constitute an intolerable administrative burden on the constrained resources of an increasingly cash limited primary care service ?
23 That drudgery could have been transformed overnight by the provision of pithead baths for the men , and for their clothes , which were often so laden with dust that , as one old miner recalled , " I used to bray my gear against the wall " .
24 However , advisers in English , mathematics , science , etc. , without these roles to perform , were able to concentrate upon the provision of classroom support for teachers .
25 Bishop Lacey — our first Bishop — was desirous of setting up a Guild to oversee the making of vestments and the provision of linen items for the altar .
26 The junta also implemented certain populist policies , including the provision of wage supplements for rural workers .
27 The contract , which runs for a five-year period from 1 November 1992 , covers the provision of maintenance personnel for the production facilities on Amoco 's NW Hutton , Montrose Alpha , Arbroath , Everest and Lomond platforms .
28 We will enhance practical arts teaching and library provision in schools and extend the provision of adult education for the arts and crafts .
29 Their research on Malaysian and Singaporean women export-industry workers ( a category that mostly includes TNC workers ) shows that ethnicity and the availability of alternative employment can be key factors in the social and moral evaluation of women workers , and that there are substantial variations in the conceptions of factory work for women ( whether in TNCs or not ) across different communities .
30 While it is essential , not only for the support through food supply for indigenous populations but also to provide a sound base on which economic progress can be made , it is unfortunate that in so many cases injudicious land-use practices have negated the very factor , increased productivity , that they sought to improve .
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