Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [been] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The result has been that sea walls have had to take the brunt of the power of waves and currents at high tide , which erodes them and requires rebuilding on an ever larger scale .
2 The result has been that discount deals have proliferated .
3 The result has been that sterling has become very expensive to borrow , but there is still far too much of it , and the supply is still increasing too fast .
4 The result has been some unbundling , loosening and decentralizing of control in some societies and in some organizations on some tasks .
5 " This would have been a much larger sum if the salesmen had been any good . "
6 ‘ The argument for the reformers has been that punishment simply does not work .
7 ‘ But if the lad has been any sort of problem in the past I still believe United will get the best out of him and put an end to his wandering .
8 The tree had been another meeting place of their childhood , and she knew the flaky bark and cracked pavement by heart .
9 But obviously the revolution had been some time in the making .
10 This has sometimes been justified on security grounds but often the argument has been that disclosure is not in the public interest , that " secrecy is at all times the condition in which the best men make the best decisions . "
11 The culmination has been this year 's first World Championships in which Andy took 2nd place as well as being co-sponsor with Palm .
12 Suspicions have sometimes been voiced that , whenever government has supported civic education , the reason has been that learning of this kind has been interpreted as supportive of a respectful attitude .
13 No horses have been this way since you drove them off , ’ he said to Allen .
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