Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The majority had been of wood and most of these were lost through fire .
2 But several readers had pointed out that if evil could not create , was only good perverted , then presumably the orcs had been by nature good and might in some way be saved ; Tolkien certainly balked at calling them ‘ irredeemable ’ , see Letters , pp. 195 , 355 .
3 The base had been in line for the axe under the Options for Change review of the Services but was saved because the cost of relocation exceeded the saving .
4 And the change had been with Pamela , not with him .
5 ( 1982 ) have shown that about three-quarters of the change has been to woodland , as shown in Figure 8.4 , and that this pattern is fairly geographically even , except for Dartmoor as shown in Table 8.4 .
6 Although he differentiated his position from that of Draper , suggesting that the struggle had been between science and dogmatic theology rather than between science and religion , A. D. White insisted that there had been a theological and a scientific view of every question , invariably at odds .
7 Almost all previous contact with the Board had been through courses of one or two days duration — mostly held on a trainee 's farm ( but also at local education colleges in England and Wales ) , with up to 70% of the time being spent on trainee participation and practice .
8 The Paras have been jumping into one of the dropping zones on Salisbury Plain since first light , so the Scouts have been on standby on the DZ in case there should be any casualties .
9 The RAF has been at Abingdon since 1932 .
10 Up to 20 miles each was walked by dogs and owners on the 1 mile route round the Serpentine and the money raised was in excess of £1,200 .
11 Say was remanded to Royal Cornhill Hospital in Aberdeen and the case continued was without plea until Thursday .
12 The case had been under way in Ohio for more than two years and was now ready for trial .
13 It appears that the case had been in progress before the Heliopolitan Divine Council for eighty years and the gods were understandably becoming impatient and short-tempered , yet they seemed unable to decide upon a judgement .
14 But if you think things are bad now , just wait till the case has been to court .
15 In the rumen , H 2 is consumed by methanogenic bacteria and similarly , in methanogenic human subjects , 75% of the hydrogen excreted is as methane .
16 In the English civil wars of the mid-thirteenth century the cavalry had been in command ; but fifty years later , things were beginning to change .
17 Some of the prisoners had been to parties in the German Kommandantur .
18 The Lions have been on tour for a month . ’
19 Where the difficulty arises is in cases of so-called ‘ relapse ’ .
20 The contrast implied is of course with legacies ( and perhaps institution as heir ) .
21 Policies with prefix letters PM or FM ( Motor Car ) , MC ( Motor Cycle ) or CM ( Commercial Vehicle — excluding policies numbered lower than 100,000 ) will qualify for a Special Discount of just under 6% where the policies have been in force continuously for at least three years when they are renewed during the year commencing 1st July 1981 .
22 He had been waiting there since hearing from Bartocci , less than an hour earlier , that the kidnappers had been in touch and that the car would be leaving as soon as it got dark .
23 The university has been under curfew and restraint for months .
24 Well you could say that erm our background goes back erm twenty-five years , in fact , we 've had a considerable involvement with industry both local and national for as long as the University has been in existence , which is now nearly twenty-five years .
25 The court must find out whether the payment stipulated is in truth a penalty or liquidated damages …
26 The cabin had been in darkness , and she had been alone .
27 Yet just at that moment — one occasionally suspects that the mythmakers have been at work on the story — the lookout sighted sails on the western horizon .
28 But the reaction of the most senior members of the judiciary — the Law Lords , the Lord Chief Justice and the Master of the Rolls — was felt by many of the general public , I believe , to conflict with the image which the judiciary have been at pains to promote .
29 The PDC had been in opposition since leaving Endara 's government in April 1991 ; Arias had remained in the constitutional post of First Vice-President without attending Cabinet meetings .
30 Unusually , one of the schools had been in receipt of two Minor awards in successive years .
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