Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , it was commonplace to clear the lymph glands out of the armpit at the same time as performing the mastectomy ( removing the whole breast ) .
2 Simulated annealing uses random perturbations to shake the parameter values out of a local optimum so that globally optimal values may be found .
3 0 Tap Enter several times to move the division mark out of the way further down the screen .
4 They moved to cheaper hotels where they were not supposed to have food in their rooms but took it in turns to get breakfast and hide tiny stoves in the wardrobes while waving the cooking fumes out of the window .
5 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
6 Again he saw the car signalling , signalling to turn right into Via Mazzetta which was the route south out of the city .
7 Verily , these people are set upon pushing the noise boat out over the horizon until it arrives … somewhere .
8 Then , obeying an impulse she barely understood , she took the silver medallion out of the inner pocket of her bag , where she 'd zipped it for safekeeping , and fastened the chain round her neck .
9 Mary had already pushed the soup pan onto the heart of the fire , and she said to him now , Get me the thermos , will you , Master Joe , and the picnic basket out of the bottom cupboard . ’
10 Now the boatmen they used to erm the name , the family of a name of , and the old man , the grandfather his name was and then they had three sons who were boatmen , one was called Arthur John , one had a nickname of Snowball , the other one 's name was George and they used to er , some of them at times used to row from the lock gates out to the Cork Lightship together to get a boat , so they made sure of roping that boat in at , at er in the dock or at Cliff Quay and course they used to get the captain of the ship to sign er a bill and they used to take that to the , to the shipping agent and then he 'd pay 'em the money .
11 In use Let's get the speed thing out of the way first , shall we ?
12 This fascinated me so much I failed to notice the Mamba slip out of the gate beneath me .
13 Mr Lamont had cut car tax from 10 per cent to five per cent in March this year but his action failed to pull the car industry out of a three-year nose dive .
14 With the Mercedes contingent out of the race , it paved the way for Mike Hawthorn ( GB ) and Ivor Bueb ( GB ) to go on and win in their Jaguar .
15 The ‘ signal ’ which travels from the cell body out along the axon is an electrical nerve impulse .
16 So me and got the , the ice packs out of the freezer .
17 In complete contrast , nothing will prepare you for the jaw-dropping experience of taking the desert road out of the city for the first time .
18 Next morning Dairyman Crick sent all the dairy people out into a field to search for garlic plants .
19 They followed the mining leviathans out to the asteroid belt ; and soon after , when the belt charts were crazed with property lines , on to Saturn , where the real development opportunities were .
20 Standing in the pub doorway out of the wind striking her third match , the goddess of beer depicted in glowing-coloured tiles on either side of her , massive arms holding up sheaves of grain .
21 I felt a thump on my back and an instant later found myself propelled along the winding lane at close to racing speed , courtesy of Steve , fourth member of the Peugeot team out for a training run .
22 And now time , which in the last ten minutes seemed mysteriously to have halted , flowed again and he was standing at his bedroom window five days later watching the great ball of the sun rise out of the sea to stain the horizon and spread over the eastern sky the veins and arteries of the new day .
23 All their Lordships need to say is that having carefully considered the arguments advanced , in the manner indicated by Griffiths L.J. , they can see no ground upon which Barnett J. would have been justified in taking the decision-making power out of the hands of the district judge , and substituting a decision of his own .
24 They knew that palladium soaks up deuterium ( a form of hydrogen found in heavy water ) like a sponge soaks up water , an electrical current from a battery forcing the deuterium atoms out from a solution of heavy water and into the spaces between the palladium atoms .
25 But the scale of the rehabilitation-3,500 pieces of glass needing replacement , special cutting of the brick stocks — drove the costs way out of the original ball park .
26 ‘ Just that a couple of guys are taking the sound system out through the window . ’
27 Yeltsin said that he had lured the coup leaders out of the Kremlin , where they were protected , by challenging them to go to Foros , the Black Sea resort where Gorbachev was being held , to get a statement from Gorbachev to confirm their claim that he was unable to carry out his duties .
28 She 's had to pull the IXth Legion out of a bog again .
29 Their goal sent the Yorkshire side out of the Football League .
30 Secondly , Wilko is not going to drop anyone who played in the Oldham game out of the squad altogether .
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