Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] the [noun] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But yesterday he singled out the pit closures fiasco as an example of how the Government has messed up .
2 This rather piecemeal approach has been paralleled in terms of how the NHS has acquired hardware and software systems .
3 It solved the mystery of how the cat had managed to get inside .
4 Analysis of the structure of a church by reference to the architectural styles and fabric will give us some idea of how the building has developed .
5 Evaluation of how the plan has met these needs takes place in open discussion in class .
6 This demands an examination of how the courts have interpreted shareholder interests , and a consideration of the theoretical and practical consequences of the modifications to the model .
7 Writing in 1928 the American critic Gilbert Seldes summed up the process of how the movies had accumulated their audience as one which
8 There was a large picture of the Pope in tarmac-kissing mode and the story of how the paper had entered his birthdate on the British Telecom horoscope service .
9 meant beauty lotions or help for someone in trouble , we are today senior citizens , a hardy bunch when you think of how the world has changed and of the adjustments we have had to make and that is
10 Of course the public only wanted entertainment , but the point for intellectual observers was that the public had only wanted it on their own terms and so the story of film was the story of how the masses had dragged it down to their own level .
11 More probably , the mass desertion is another sign of how the people have lost faith in perestroika and its unfulfilled promises .
12 I could list many individual examples of how the tax has treated the poorest and most vulnerable in society .
13 But I soon discovered that in Wengen a casual welcome and a cuppa with the local English clergy was a taste of how the Brits have made a mark on this German-speaking village .
14 Much later , it seemed , she awoke and when she turned over and looked towards where the chanting had come from the African men and women had eaten and were packing away and decamping .
15 I cast into the pool , in the general direction of where the trout had risen .
16 He could n't get an immediate break-down of where the money had gone so asked to see the manager .
17 So that the pageant should not be seen by any outsider and news spread of where the Miracle-Worker had gone to earth , they rolled the various carts into two barns facing on to the street .
18 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
19 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
20 I did n't press him on the question of where the design had originated from , for his ready answer was ‘ off the top of my uncle 's head ’ .
21 Now it was the women 's turn again ; while the men debated the finer points of why the device had failed , we fetched buckets of water and old blankets and quickly put out the fire .
22 Certainly , everyone was pleased with how the weekend had gone .
23 A small indeterminate woman in a lightly belted black raincoat slipped in past me : she had wispy fair hair and I could see at once from whence the twins had inherited what I can only describe as their nebulousness — a sense of the nebulae or star cluster that is better seen out of the corner of the eye .
24 Beyond , I could see the outline of a vast quarry , clearly from whence the car had come .
25 ‘ I looked out from the window from where the man had fallen and what I saw was unbelievable , ’ he said .
26 As might be expected , the iron section of these rarely survives apart from where the keys have existed in waterlogged or very dry conditions .
27 IN MEMORIAM The man without substance Sarah Baxter on how the election has revealed the hollowness of ‘ Majorism ’
28 I think we 're losing track of what this actually is Paul , there are , you 're trying to do two things at once what you 're trying to do , I think is use it as a learning process for children but this is an annual report for parents and I think that part of it a at least surely must be a report by the sa member of staff , by the department on how the child has done , by the member staff .
29 Even President George Bush told his team not to come back to the USA if they failed to win back the Cup while one British tabloid quoted our own Peter Alliss on how the matches have moved away from the original concept of GB v USA and goodwill through golf .
30 Many of you will have already received , at the principal 's request , a copy of the University 's Annual Report 1991–1992 published in February 1993 , to update you on how the University has evolved and grown .
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