Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Items in the tests are not selected on the basis of how well they discriminate among students , i.e. they are not norm-referenced .
2 The survival of the 1947 constitution without major change since the US occupation ended , is taken as evidence of how well it fits with the attitudes and expectations of contemporary Japan .
3 But by now Winnie Ewing was in the throes of her by-election campaign to win Hamilton for the SNP , and aware of how fervently I agreed with everything she was saying ( and wished a Liberal had been saying ) I felt it would be dishonest to hold back any longer .
4 ‘ Last year I won the Julie Rose 10K in a time which was within 10 seconds of my track best for the season , which is indicative of how badly I ran on the track .
5 The problem of the survival of the Aviti is a useful reminder of how little we know about the political structure of even our best evidenced sixth-century diocese ; but from the evidence which we do have it is clear that the exercise of episcopal power in the Auvergne was no simple matter .
6 An example of how little it matters to the speechreader is the sound of TH as in :
7 ‘ It never did , Fernando ; not for one second did I have any doubts of how deeply I felt for you , only doubts of how deeply you had felt for me .
8 ‘ I 'm so sorry , ’ she said gently , well aware of how much it meant to her .
9 PASS ( Programme Analysis of Service Systems ; Wolfensberger and Glenn , 1973 ) evaluates services in terms of how far they comply with appearances , practices and settings which would be valued by the rest of society .
10 Labours local Government spokesman , David Blunkett came to the transport and general workers headquarters in gloucester armed with a cheque : the sum on it , the amount labour says an average familly of two in gloucester would be better off by under their fare rates scheme , compared with how much they pay in poll tax .
11 Where possible , you should choose a period that is in line with how long you want to deep the car , so that when the time comes to replace it you can start again from scratch .
12 The authors , writing in the British Medical Journal , believe that what happens to babies before birth , including how long they stay in the womb , may determine how healthy their lungs are later in life .
13 There is not , as we might have expected , a simple decline in how well it remembers as time passes .
14 Additionally , many single people admit that they had not realised before how much they relied on their job for companionship and sometimes , even for part of their week-end social life .
15 The possible words in the input are given semantic scores based on how well they combine with possible neighbouring words in the input .
16 Chapman said it would depend on how well he did on the Saturday .
17 ‘ With his ultimate decision on whether or not to sell entirely dependent on how successfully you cope in his absence . ’
18 When an ion approaches a surface , the angle at which it scatters depends on how directly it collides with a surface atom .
19 You can not put a time on how long it takes for a swimfeeder to empty .
20 If you play around with the savings plan spreadsheet you will quickly discover that the earnings ratio is n't dependent on how much you put into the plan every month , only on how long you save for and the interest rate .
21 Much may thus depend on how seriously they rise to the challenge .
22 How we buy food also has an influence on how much we eat of it at any one meal .
23 For my first tournament you were paid next to nothing from the caddie-master 's box , and your tips depended on how far you progressed in the tournament .
24 But with the other companies that have been established , and all water companies have done the same , the way to increase profits is to go into er a business which you 're in competition with other businesses and you stand or fail as to how well you do on that .
25 Cos there was n't a regulation afore about how deep they had to be .
26 p.p.s have I got the figures about right for how much we payed for players — Beeney ( .35m ) , Kelly ( 0 ) , Dorigo ( 1.3 ) , Fairclough ( .6 ) , Wetherall ( .15 ) , Strach ( .3 ) , Speed ( 0 ) , Macca ( 1.3 ) , White ( 1.25 — this is the one I 'm most unsure of ) , Wallace ( 1.6 ) and Deane ( 2.9 ) ?
27 For how long they operated in the Coniston Fells is not known .
28 Why they moved and for how long they stayed in Charlotte Square , however , is a mystery .
29 In reality they are mercilessly small when you realize for how long they have to be eked out !
30 ‘ Stick players who try the Grand for the first time are surprised at how fast they adapt to it , ’ says inventor , manufacturer and player Emmett Chapman .
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