Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] he be [v-ing] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In Liverpool , a dockers ' spokesman with the Transport and General Workers Union admitted : ‘ Drivers are n't happy handling some of these commodities , but at least a lorry-driver has more idea of what he is handling than a docker , who could have a consignment and just not know what it is . ’
2 I ca n't make any sense of what he 's saying because it seems to me that erm our common and everyday and perhaps very deficient notion of individuation is , what makes me different from the rest of you ?
3 Do you think it was the case that when Shakespeare was actually writing these plays he had any real concept of the richness of what he was producing or is this erm all a superstructure which has been put there by various university professors since ?
4 Many of those present had found it hard to pick up the thread of what he was saying and instead had thought with a shiver : " Needles driven into your belly !
5 His hand , which had insinuated itself beneath the cover , was sending her thoughts in an entirely different direction , and as his warm palm began rubbing gently across her back she totally lost track of what he was saying and had to desperately drag her mind back as he continued .
6 It is not enough for the defendant to show that he was aware of the contents of what he was distributing or publishing , but did not himself think that it was insulting if the jury or magistrate should come to the conclusion that he suspected or had grounds to suspect otherwise .
7 And so , unable either to believe in the significance of what he was doing or to regard it with indifference as an empty formality , all the time he was preparing for the sacrament he was conscious of a feeling of discomfort and shame in taking part in something he did not understand , which was therefore , an inner voice told him , deceitful and wrong of him .
8 He was burning up with fever , probably not even fully aware of what he was doing or saying .
9 He had a blinding headache and simply was n't thinking of what he was doing as he swung the car off the slip road to enter the motorway .
10 He pushed away from the wall against which he was leaning and staggered out onto the sidewalk again .
11 ‘ 1(2) In determining whether a person is a fit and proper person to hold any particular position , regard shall be had to his probity , to his competence and soundness of judgement for fulfilling the responsibilities of that position , to the diligence with which he is fulfilling or likely to fulfil those responsibilities and to whether the interests of depositors or potential depositors of the institution are , or are likely to be , in any way threatened by his holding that position .
12 It is at this point that his analysis starts to become much more specific about the particular kind of capitalism with which he was dealing and the especially important group supporting fascism .
13 you at least can keep up with what he 's doing because you can see
14 This should momentarily distract William from whatever he is doing and raise a laugh from neighbouring tables .
15 Szasz is putting the position at its most extreme , but I recognise the truth in what he is saying and , apart from his implication that the definers are acting with conscious deliberation , I think he is right .
16 An outsider , too , can often distinguish between a child ‘ lost ’ in what he is doing and a child intent on ‘ showing ’ what he is doing .
17 He believed absolutely in what he was doing and that is why he and Mrs Thatcher achieved so much .
18 Here was a back-to-the-wall President who BELIEVED in what he was saying and who shifted opinion overnight with a high-risk tour de force which seems to have swung next week 's referendum .
19 distracts him from what he 's doing and he the distraction .
20 After his speech today , we still do not know where he stands on that matter — not on the draft to which he was referring but on the principle of extended majority voting .
21 Flames burst from the panel on which he was resting and he leapt up .
22 Did they have to have so tight-packed an audience , with the front row so close to the dais on which he was sitting that he could positively feel their stupid gawping eyes on him ?
23 And the fact that I say that a lot of these accidents happen because perhaps you 're not paying the attention , very often I 've been or know of situations where the bloke is really paying attention to what he 's doing and the still the unfortunate occurs .
24 You do n't listen to what he 's saying because you know just it just becomes so it takes your attention away .
25 Fighting to control her ragged breathing , Laura gazed at his expressionless face , which gave her no clue to what he was thinking as he regarded her intently from beneath his heavy eyelids .
26 The first of these is when the teacher is asked to do a manageable job , where he is working within his intellectual capacity and has that confidence which proceeds from really knowing more about what he is teaching than the children do .
27 We did some more research and we found out that in return for doing this you had to pay the minister a fine , so we found a minister who was very excited by the idea of marrying us in a seventeen century house , and in fact , on the morning of the wedding he was more worried about what he was wearing than what I was !
28 ‘ In fact , the more I talked to him the more I felt he was not being detached about what he was saying and certainly not professional . ’
29 Of his talk with Mr Yeltsin , Mr Clinton said : ‘ We just talked about what he was doing and I said I supported democracy and free-market economics in Russia . ’
30 They wanted to emulate him , and do what he was doing , and enjoy his privileges , and they kind of admired him for what he was having and they wanted .
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