Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] it [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When copying data into the SRAM , switch off S1 , insert the SRAM , switch on S1 ( taking the pins to 0V ) , run the copy routine , switch off S1 and remove the SRAM , after which it is ready for use in the circuit you are developing .
2 ( c. 36 ) Whereas outside the realm , the king needed warning of any rebellion by subject peoples , or any imminent attack , " inside the realm [ the vital point was to find out ] if the people ( populus ) in any part , region or corner of the realm was in a state of disturbance , then what was the cause of it , and if a complaint of the people was becoming serious or if a noise was being made about some injustice about which it was necessary for the general assembly to deal " .
3 Using that as a working theory , I 'd say there was some sort of time limit involved — I mean , a time during which it is imperative for people not to know that he 's dead , but a time that comes to an end , after which it does n't matter so much . "
4 Reforms aimed at refashioning the welfare state , so that it acts as a floor on which the underclass can build by their own efforts , rather than a ceiling through which it is impossible for them to pass , are considered in Part IV .
5 Clause 33(1) of the Finance ( No. 2 ) Bill 1975 provided that the employee was to be treated , on receipt of a voucher , as having received an emolument from his employment of an amount ‘ equal to the expense incurred by the person providing the voucher in or in connection with the provision of the voucher and the money , goods or services for which it is capable of being exchanged . ’
6 An international row is brewing among scientists who say that the EEC 's ISPRA establishment in Italy is trying to make up for its loss of Super-SARA by stealing other plum research contracts for which it is ill-equipped from specialist fusion laboratories throughout West Europe .
7 ‘ Things are going on at this school , ’ went on Dr Ali , in a whisper , ‘ of which it is difficult for a good Muslim to approve . ’
8 Yet the experience to which they have been subjected is one of which it is proper for the criminal law to take notice .
9 The iconography may be updated — with Punch , Harlequin , Perrault 's Cinderella , archetypal figures of immemorial imaginings replaced by newer , movie-bred cast of characters , Roger Rabbit , Indiana Jones , Disney 's Cinderella — but both theme park and funfair are designed to satisfy the childhood fantasy of a toy as big as the object of which it 's supposed to be the scale model .
10 The impetus came partly from a growing interest in Schopenhauer 's theory of music , and partly from an uncomfortable sense that his own artistic practice was diverging further and further from the theoretical postulates of which it was supposed to be the realization .
11 But if our picture of God is wrong , then our whole presupposition of what it is possible for God to be or do is correspondingly altered .
12 The question of what it is desirable for Japan to be and do deeply divides the Japanese , but few fail to acknowledge that being Japanese sets them apart .
13 Similarly the range of tasks for which the device is required may not be known in the kind of detail which is available from comprehensive task descriptions but the designer will consider the extremes of what it is likely to be used for and the environment in which it will be used , for example designing a machine-tool for use in a factory has different requirements from designing a powered garden tool where the user could be wearing heavy gloves , will not be wearing safety-boots and will not receive any formal training .
14 The ideology of what it was proper for women to do remained largely untouched .
15 For instance , we can picture the meaning of a word as a pattern of affinities and disaffinities with all the other words in the language with which it is capable of contrasting semantic relations in grammatical contexts .
16 The purse seine nets are made of large mesh in which it is easy for a dolphin to get its flipper or snout caught .
17 The end result is a novel in which it is impossible to be sure of anything .
18 Undoubtedly , there will be cases under the Children Act 1989 in which it is appropriate for orders for costs to be made .
19 As I have already indicated , it is undoubtedly the case that there may be circumstances in which it is appropriate for a court to make an order for costs in a case relating to children .
20 I wonder whether you could define the circumstances in which it is appropriate for the Government to introduce a law reform Bill and seek to push it through all its procedures in a day without it going to a Standing Committee to be considered carefully as to its detail , when it happens that there is no particular circumstance of urgency and when the reform concerned could lead to considerable difficulties for the courts if the measure is not fully considered ?
21 That the court has inherent discretionary jurisdiction to clarify the expert clause was stated in Royal Trust International Ltd v Nordbanken ( 1989 ) unreported , Chancery Division , 13 October : … there may well be cases in which it is appropriate in the interests of the expert as well as the party [ making the application to the court ] that there should be an advance determination of law or construction which will form the basis of the expert 's approach to his task .
22 There are very few cases in which it is automatic for one relative to offer support and unproblematic for the other to accept it .
23 Humbly we will ask God to make us great in simplicity and obedience , as we seek to bring to birth a human society in which it is normal for men to love one another .
24 It would be appropriate here simply to give a brief outline of events , and then limit any review to the ways in which it is relevant to John Howard and his cause .
25 This effect is not very powerful nor very important , but there is one particular way in which it is relevant in English : the previous chapter explained how the most frequently encountered vowels in weak syllables are , and ( syllabic consonants are also quite common ) .
26 But it is she who has created an atmosphere in which it is possible for her most senior minister to be publicly rubbished while she escapes without blemish or stain .
27 And while there are situations in which it is possible for the male to simulate orgasm , fellatio is not one of them .
28 There are some solutions of the equations of general relativity in which it is possible for our astronaut to see a naked singularity : he may be able to avoid hitting the singularity and instead fall through a " wormhole " and come out in another region of the universe .
29 Before leaving employees , a limited situation in which it is permissible for the directors to give priority to the interests of employees should be noted .
30 This is of particular importance in an industry in which it is hard for new entrants to establish themselves , in view of the high costs of entry into the market .
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