Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Let us not forget the experience of the past 10 years , during which time we have had more experience of guillotine motions than in the whole of the previous history of Parliament .
2 Because of the severity of the undernutrition most patients require ten to twelve weeks of in-patient treatment during which time they begin to eat normal meals .
3 This year they celebrate 20 years together during which time they have flowered as one of the top dozen or so string quartets world wide .
4 Mrs Bason has issued all the tickets from her station during the past 25 years , during which time she has had no assistance whatever .
5 Glancing at his watch , Donaldson saw that it was after five ; seven hours since he 'd been picked up at the courtroom , during which time he 'd skipped lunch and spent his afternoon handing tidbits to a bright primate .
6 President Vieira on Nov. 6 returned abruptly after a long period abroad , during which time he had received medical treatment and visited the United States and Taiwan .
7 William White had worked in the office of the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott , during which time he had met the famous church architects G.F. Bodley and G.E .
8 After a career in the British army , during which time he had done a great deal of fieldwork and excavation , and had amassed a collection of artefacts from all over the world , he spent the rest of his life studying and excavating archaeological sites on his estate .
9 He had been Dean of Chichester since 1567 , during which time he had succeeded in alienating almost the entire chapter by his forthright attacks on venality , pluralism and spiritual laxity .
10 He was almost 60 years of age and had been a fugitive for 22 years , during which time he had had no permanent home , no source of income and little respite from danger .
11 It was lovingly tended by its station-master , Mr James , who retired in 1899 after fifty years of service there , during which time he had installed not only flower-beds but a fountain complete with goldfish .
12 Goleniewski had been in touch with the CIA since 1958 during which time he had passed on to them a considerable amount of information that had led to the arrest of several important spies .
13 Following toasts to the University , to Convocation and to our Guests , Mr Orme rounded off the evening by regaling us with some reminiscences of his early days in Parliament , where he has served for Salford West from 1964–1983 and Salford East since 1983 during which time he has held several posts in Government and on the Opposition front bench , and going on to more recent experiences whilst visiting Eastern Europe as the moves towards democracy gathered strength .
14 Ronnie 's design career spans 22 years , during which time he has worked with well known companies such as Templeton , Stoddard , Brintons and Mercia Weavers .
15 For example , assume that a child is a rehabilitated person within the meaning of the Act : in other words , he has been subject to a supervision requirement and that requirement has been terminated or a year has elapsed since the date of the hearing that imposed the supervision requirement , whichever is the longer , and he has committed no further offences during the rehabilitation period ; or he has appeared before a children 's hearing which has decided not to impose a supervision requirement on him and six months has elapsed during which time he has committed no further offences .
16 I have worked with Singer machines for the past seven years , during which time I have come to trust them and admire the work that they produce , which I think can not be equalled on any other machine .
17 Since my wife was diagnosed with the illness , I have been researching alternative cures during which time I have come into contact with the ‘ Association stop au cancer ’ based at 29 Bd Gambetta , 73000 Chambery Cedex , France .
18 This can be a frightening experience because when a gila monster bites , it does not let go for some ten to fifteen minutes , during which time it continues to chew , injecting more and more venom into the wound .
19 On one occasion a team of five men went down into the tunnels for which purpose they had to pass through the line of empty stabled cars .
20 Done the A squared , and you said , well , let's do the B squared cos that gives a positive , then you got a little bit sort of not sure of which ones you 'd done and which ones you had n't .
21 Folly was losing track now of which arguments he had demolished .
22 The official was a friend of mine , and had done me some good turns over the previous few months ; most of which time I had spent in this same hotel .
23 Relatively recently , feminist scholars , now drawn closer through common experience to an older generation many of whose values they had challenged , have extended their concerns and pushed forward a more subtle questioning of women 's experience of ageing and how it might differ from men 's as a result of inequalities right through the life cycle .
24 The house was built in 1573 by the sculptor Leone Leoni , ( an example of whose work we have seen in the Duomo ) .
25 Menem 's announcement came in response to a request by the World Jewish Congress , some of whose members he had invited to Buenos Aires to witness the signature of the decree .
26 She talked in brief spurts in between which her eyes became glazed , probably as a result of whatever drug they had given her .
27 Nevertheless there was a chance , perhaps , that a French government might have been so far-sighted or faint-hearted that it would have ordered a cease-fire , entered into serious negotiations , abandoned its insistence on membership of the French Union , accepted , at least by instalments , an independent , more or less communist state in a presumably close relationship with either the USSR or the Chinese Communist Party , or both , and been prepared to rely on Vietminh goodwill , such as it might be , for the preservation of whatever position they chose to accord France .
28 ‘ The great thing about painting ’ , he says , ‘ is that it is your own individual interpretation of whatever view you have chosen .
29 On September 9 , 1969 , by which time Clinton knew his draft number was high and that he was therefore unlikely to be called up , he wrote to his friend Richard Stearns : ‘ Nothing could be more destructive of whatever fibre I have left than this mental torment .
30 I trust you were the victors of whatever engagement you became embroiled in ? ’
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