Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] out over the " in BNC.

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1 Details for opening the ‘ corridors ’ are to be thrashed out over the next four days .
2 For days he backed the little transport box into the huge mound and went up and down the fields in lines , stopping the tractor every few yards to scatter the lime , tossing each shovelful on the wind for the white dust to be blown out over the grass .
3 A replay is to be played out over the proposed Clairville Common complex between Anchor International and local objectors .
4 A Declaratory Order covering 270 acres was proposed with a view to designating extensively war-damaged land , subject to compulsory purchase ; this was required for essential improvements to be carried out over the next 15 years .
5 The tests are due to be carried out over the next fortnight but parents will face a six-week wait for the results .
6 THE first practical testing of a sonar device to help submarines detect the presence of fishing boats in the Firth of Clyde is expected to be carried out over the weekend of 3 April .
7 The frame will extend the bag almost fully but without overstretching it , and there will be enough slackness to allow the bag to be folded out over the top of the frame .
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