Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Lords temporal were not mustered as members of the county community : it would never have done for ‘ my lord ’ to be paraded on the village green by some Dogberry and Verges , even a Justice Shallow , made to line up with Mouldy , Shadow , Wart and the rest , to be handed over to a red-nosed , pot-bellied mercenary captain , to be abused and maybe put on a charge by his blustering subordinates , and finally
2 Child does not like to be touched or even looked at ; very ill humoured ; moans , whines and complains ; often a white tongue , thickly coated ; white sputum ; nausea and gagging .
3 I have not thought it necessary to set out the elaborate provisions of subsection ( 7 ) which determine when the proceedings are to be treated as finally determined .
4 a child in utero is to be treated as already born thereby having a right to sue for damages for the death of his father .
5 They are to be treated as jointly entitled to the deposit without the intervention of a trust .
6 If money supply is to be monitored and possibly controlled , it is obviously necessary to measure it .
7 They will want to know about a childminder who fails to provide a safe environment or where children appear to be neglected or ill cared for .
8 It is at least arguable that this is not the case as the consideration for the allotment of the shares ( which are expressed to be credited as fully paid ) must be the transfer of the shares in the target , because that is the only consideration which the offeror receives under the arrangement ( apart from the merchant bank 's commitment to pay cash to accepting shareholders , but that is cancelled by the offeror 's commensurate obligation to procure accepting shareholders to authorise the offeror to allot the consideration shares to the merchant bank or as it directs , and so no net benefit flows to the offeror ) .
9 The control was exercised at two levels , directly through Roman officers , indirectly through the ruling class of the allies themselves : therefore this ruling class had to be supported and even reinforced .
10 It might be possible for people in such circumstances ( perhaps when redundancies have been notified some weeks in advance ) to be supported and perhaps taught techniques to cope with the anxiety and avoid being overpessimistic or ‘ catastrophising ’ ( see next section ) .
11 Again , because treasures served to denote prominent persons , they are most likely to be listed or even described in written records , as well as featuring in works of art .
12 Indeed , the team was so anxious to give recognition at last to the importance of the content of any particular drama , that it seems almost to be reinforcing the dualistic assumption that drama is about attitudes or ideas in the children 's heads to be explored and then expressed through the medium .
13 They involve an agreement that the job will last for a specified period of time , although often provisions are included to enable the contract to be renewed if so desired .
14 They involve an agreement that the job will last for a specified period of time , although often provisions are included to enable the contract to be renewed if so desired .
15 The coffee proved to be filtered and freshly ground , something he had not expected .
16 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that a woman who is entitled to return to work , but is made redundant while still on maternity leave , is to be regarded as unfairly dismissed if the employer does not offer a suitable alternative vacancy or prove that no such vacancy exists .
17 ‘ For the purposes of this Article an article or substance is not to be regarded as properly used where it is used without regard to any relevant information or advice relating to its use which has been made available by a person by whom it was designed , manufactured , imported or supplied . ’
18 These are the workings ( some still to be seen though partly obscured by later working , and some now deep open stopes of later vintage ) which stretch across the foot of the Red Dell valley following the strike of the Bonsor Vein .
19 The actors , however , are subject to pressures and constraints arising from the environmental setting in which they operate , assumed to be given and exogenously determined .
20 As the law is complex to apply in some cases where the notice period needs to be calculated and perhaps added to the three months limit or , as in the Sen case , the adviser simply got the calculation of the three months wrong , the claim should be presented and the Tribunal asked to consider the facts before exercising its discretion .
21 A caching facility is provided to allow frequently input data to be stored and quickly recalled to reduce keyboard input .
22 All life-forms exist ultimately to be eaten or otherwise consumed by animals : by predators , for example , ( you can include man ) , by microbes or by auto-digestion .
23 Medium-term loans are to a large extent funded by short-term deposits which have to be repaid and then re-borrowed on a continuous basis .
24 ‘ XA ’ addresses CD-ROM 's deficiencies by permitting different types of data — text , sound , images — to be interleaved and thereby accessed in parallel from the disc .
25 The allegation of the defence had to be met and properly dealt with , so the matter would be returned to the justices for them to look at the circumstances and come to a proper determination after they had heard further evidence .
26 In recovery , the anger has to be acknowledged and then dealt with constructively through working the 12 Steps .
27 Tree branches , whole trunks , were blasted into the air , then fell to the ground , only to be interred or repeatedly thrown upward by further explosions ; likewise mangled machinery and dismembered human bodies and those of horses .
28 There are , as yet , no adequate alternatives to the fossil fuels whose consumption is largely responsible for global warming , while the impact is likely to be delayed and unevenly experienced .
29 He clarifies the difference by comparing the humanistic pastoral counsellor 's attitude to suffering as ‘ something to be relieved ’ , with the spiritual director 's ‘ which might at least suggest the counterclaim that it was rather something to be interpreted and creatively redeemed ’ .
30 A huge area has since been cleared for the construction of flyovers , underpasses , multi-lane carriageways and slip roads , with forlorn office blocks and high rise flats standing around them , either waiting to be demolished or recently erected .
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