Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm all for sticking by players through bad patches but my patience is running out .
2 This week , Scottish Secretary Ian Lang accused ‘ opt-out ’ parents for contributing to increases in ill- discipline and truancy .
3 The results of Box and Hale show that for post-war England and Wales , unemployment and imprisonment were positively related even after allowing for variations in other factors .
4 We preferred to evaluate overall clearance of the oesophagus rather than the specific effects of swallowing because the amplitude of contractions after swallowing in patients with abnormal peristalsis is below the minimum effective strength for clearance .
5 After talking to officers from other authorities that appears to be quite a significant number of dogs , ’ said Mr Westland .
6 MP Keith Vaz last night vowed the campaign to compensate victims of the BCCI collapse will continue , after emerging from talks with Economic Secretary Anthony Nelson .
7 In the course of Yeltsin 's visit the two sides signed 24 joint statements , documents and memorandums of understanding in areas including military and technical co-operation , space exploration , nuclear energy development , border security and armed forces reduction , trade and economic co-operation and educational and scientific exchanges .
8 ‘ Dr Rafaelo , you do have a very bad habit of listening at doors to private conversations . ’
9 Indeed the Federation of Working Men 's Clubs set up by Oxford House directly assisted the young Oxford missionary in developing the " knack of mingling on terms of personal equality with men , while yet by some je ne sais quoi in himself " , preserving " their freely accorded social homage " .
10 The idea of looking at variations in political response to a common economic crisis has provided the starting point for recent comparative studies , examining , for example , differences in the political strategies of the labour movement , its relation to the state and to other social classes ( notably Goldthorpe 1984a ) .
11 Most of them involved ‘ killings committed impulsively with whatever means were at hand ’ , usually by ‘ men in their 60s or 70s [ who ] had reached breaking point under the continuing strain of looking after wives with severe mental or physical illness ’ .
12 Assessing , and intervening in , problems of bullying with pupils with special needs
13 The physical privation of lying for hours on cold wood suited her mood .
14 Holidays That Do n't Cost the Earth ( Gollancz , £5.99 ) is a lively , informative read : as good a way as any of getting to grips with environment-friendly holidays .
15 Ingenuity can sometimes suggest ambiguity or obscurity where none exists in fact , and if the instant case were to be thought to justify the exercise of combing through reports of Parliamentary proceedings in the hope of unearthing some perhaps incautious expression of opinion in support of an improbable secondary meaning , the relaxation of the rule might indeed lead to the fruitless expense and labour which has been prayed in aid in the past as one of the reasons justifying its maintenance .
16 Lord Oliver of Aylmerton commented that ‘ ingenuity can sometimes suggest ambiguity or obscurity where none exists in fact , and if the instant case were to be thought to justify the exercise of combing through reports of parliamentary proceedings in the hope of unearthing some perhaps incautious expression of opinion in support of an improbable secondary meaning , the relaxation of the rule might indeed lead to the fruitless expense and labour which has been prayed in aid in the past as one of the reasons justifying its maintenance ’ .
17 And despite complaining about charges for dental checks , it would not consider removing them for years .
18 A system of charging for enquiries from other botanical , horticultural , or conservation bodies and informed amateurs would be difficult to establish and , in general , undesirable .
19 Her engagement had been a bitter mistake , but it had at least taught her a lesson in preserving her invulnerability , instead of charging into things with unbridled optimism .
20 The journey through painful feelings is part of coming to terms with troubled emotions , and then devising a realistic strategy for emotional and social survival and the re-commencement of personal growth .
21 There are those for whom the thought of rifling through rails of musty clothes bring back horrible memories of student life .
22 A drink problem is less to do with enjoying alcohol than with using it as a means of coping with pressures of various kinds .
23 In keeping with LASMO 's global strategy of focusing on areas of long term significance to the enlarged Group and disengagement from onshore North America , LASMO sold 50 per cent of its holding in LCI in May 1992 for C$8.25 per share .
24 This is an important point in the comparative study of ideology , and brings out the usefulness of focusing on ideas concerning human nature .
25 Metcalfe and Richards point out that the strategic management literature has wrestled for the last 20 years with the problems of managing for results in unstable conditions , yet the lessons which emerge are just starting to be taken on board in the public sector .
26 Instead of dealing with problems of low paid and increasing the number of inspectors , the government is going to abolish them completely .
27 We can do no more for the time being , then , than acknowledge that a refined version of associative theory might be capable of dealing with features of latent inhibition that constitute problems for a theory which relies solely on the context — stimulus association for its explanation .
28 JOHANNESBURG ( Reuter ) — President FW de Klerk said yesterday that he would meet anti-apartheid churchmen — including Archbishop Desmond Tutu — next Wednesday , the first sign that he will live up to election promises of entering into talks with recognised black leaders .
29 The adverse consequences to the health of men in their seventh , eighth , and ninth decades could thus be considerable and might well counterbalance the small benefit of screening in terms of reduced deaths .
30 Many parents still expected their sons to have a ‘ sound ’ mathematics education and I 'm sure the idea of playing with bits of coloured paper and Sellotape instead of doing ‘ proper ’ maths like they had to , would have horrified some of our parents .
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