Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [conj] it [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other automated items such as baskets and shake alarms ( signalling the moment during cooking when it is necessary to shake the basket so as to ensure even cooking throughout ) are already available as an option on many machines , while some units will even tell you when to change the oil !
2 In one sense these findings may be seen as an argument for mainstreaming and it is appropriate to pause for a moment to consider this view .
3 It is worth remembering that it is useful to the Bank to know what their customers think of the services they receive : it enables them to improve upon the services they offer .
4 In either case the officer must have reasonable grounds for believing that it is necessary to seize the evidence there and then to prevent it being destroyed .
5 The whole question of the burden of proof was nicely summed up in the Esso case by Lord Hodson where he said : It has been authoritatively said that the onus of establishing that an agreement is reasonable as between the parties is upon the person who puts forward the agreement , while the onus of establishing that it is contrary to the public interest , being reasonable between the parties , is on the person so alleging …
6 The other key aspects of teaching that it is useful to record are the level of demand that is placed on the pupil(s) at each stage and the amount of guidance that the teacher provides .
7 There are such obvious advantages in having access through video to examples of teaching that it is easy to forget that there can also be problems .
8 The law used to look with disfavor on the statute of limitations , but I have been in the habit of saying that it is one of the most sacred and indubitable principles that we have …
9 Unfortunately , at the moment there are no known examples of the latter being achieved , and there is no way of knowing whether it is achievable .
10 For the next couple of weeks while I get to know how the station works I shall be like your shadow , Fran , but you 'll have the comfort of knowing that it 's all in the line of business . ’
11 And I 've no way of knowing if it 's normal to worry this much about food and weigh yourself this many times a day .
12 For in the future , under different conditions , there is always the possibility of showing that it 's wrong .
13 Instead of thinking that it is natural for a moving object to carry on in a straight line at a steady speed , and then worrying about how the force of gravity manages to pull all objects — heavy ones and light ones — round in the same orbit , what we ought to be doing is thinking of the path they all follow as being the natural path .
14 The risk is minimal , but such is the attraction of this form of carving that it is easy to get carried away , and its effectiveness does make eye and respiratory protection essential .
15 In such situations , it is always worth considering whether it is safer to have another launch and fly the glider to the hangar .
16 Well , I 'd prefer him not to go into acting because it is such an insecure business .
17 I am at one with the hon. Gentleman in believing that it is important that we develop such a policy — but neither he nor I , nor anyone else , can say that any particular state of agriculture is frozen .
18 From this material he felt justified in inferring that the universe of galaxies is isotropic about ourselves , and in due course , in inferring that it is homogeneous in the large .
19 Mr Clarke is watching a range of indicators on the economy before deciding whether it is safe to cut here .
20 The effect of the work on a significant proportion of the likely audience is all that matters in deciding whether it is obscene under s1 .
21 Add honeysuckle ( not all the varieties smell so check before buying that it is fragrant ) and climbing roses .
22 However , where , as in the present case , there is an injunction in force , it seems to me that Mr. Langley and Mr. Philipson are right in saying that it is open to the court to consider the issue of validity , since , if the notice were indeed invalid , it could not override the injunction or give grounds for a variation .
23 Is it not simply the case that the underlying analysis becomes more complex because , before knowing whether it is beneficial to build or hold or divest , it is necessary to know the effects beyond the immediate SBU in question ?
24 A distant square tower really does look round ; any mistake lies in judging that it is round , and can be corrected by further sense-experience .
25 You have a long , hard think about it , because it 's a great mistake to simply accept or adapt to whatever space you have , however cramped or awkward it is , without questioning whether it 's right for you .
26 Biological functions do n't give a damn about nationality ; your arm works without knowing if it 's French or American .
27 It is impossible for us to understand the conclusion , then , without realizing that it is false .
28 I do n't think it would be worth playing if it 's easy .
29 It is , however , worth stressing that it is possible to revert to a ‘ pure ’ law degree until the end of second year .
30 If the aggressiveness and bullying continues , though , make your disapproval plain by explaining that it 's naughty and that you 're disappointed in her .
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