Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [noun] [pron] [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The course is recognized for producing graduates who are immediately employable and who can play leading roles in the development of computing .
2 After keeping tropicals I am now venturing into marines , but I am disillusioned .
3 Diana dashed to the front door wearing the kind of understated clothes appropriate for meeting women who are practically penniless — an ordinary black blazer over a plain white top and a black and white striped skirt .
4 It points out that unimmunised children run the risk of catching diseases which are far more dangerous than the injections might be .
5 One example of the kind of cooking systems which are frequently being installed , is at the prestigious St Pierre Park Hotel , Guernsey .
6 And it does not like the idea of executing people who are mentally retarded or who committed their crimes when they were juveniles , though the Supreme Court has refused to rule either unconstitutional .
7 The Soviet Union fears the short , medium and long term consequences of bordering countries which are actually sovereign nation states — that is sovereign as conceived outside Soviet ideology .
8 All too often , resort is made to the standard measures of housing deprivation which are easily available from the Census , without any apparent consideration of whether these are sufficiently specific for the purpose at hand .
9 Stemming procedures have been in use for many years , mainly as a relatively cheap way of conflating terms which are morphologically similar in the hope that they are also semantically similar .
10 For example , when pressing individual rose petals , they need only the lightest pressure and give the most successful result when arranged between sheets of blotting paper which are then placed inside a telephone directory .
11 The woodwind can only be used for doubling notes which are already present in the brass .
12 However , his romanticism displayed itself not only in his paying court to young women and in producing verses which are best forgotten , but also in his cultivating the memory of his uncle .
13 MAry Cobb FHCIMA , has played the leading role in establishing systems which are now being tested and , it is hoped , adopted during the course of 1993 .
14 On the other hand , although some research journals can be slow in publishing articles they are usually published quarterly , with the object of providing up-to-date findings .
15 Such a practice may easily result in assigning shorelines which are genetically the same to different classes .
16 Such a construction put on the word ‘ nuisance ’ however renders the public health legislation ineffective in controlling odours which are neither prejudicial to health nor amount to a nuisance at common law but are still a source of annoyance and it still leaves environmental health officers with the task of assessing whether the odour complained of amounts to a common law nuisance .
17 All coupons passing through the machine are microfilmed on both sides simultaneously and losing coupons are sifted from winning ones which are then marked fully .
18 But when it comes to fumbling balls there are very few Scottish keepers who can rival the Norwich City custodian Bryan Gunn .
19 That is why the Government have concentrated on keeping people who are actively involved in business .
20 AlphaWindow ( alphanumeric ) terminals give users access to windowing functions which are traditionally associated with graphical environments , without the need for graphics technology .
21 But when it actually comes to doing work they 're ever so good .
22 It 's for making products which are now or are potentially viable commercially .
23 These are automatically silenced at night and may be silenced manually at any time by operating levers which are neatly and unobtrusively located on the hand-crafted dial .
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