Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [noun sg] he [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 He therefore never spoke ill of Harrow ; and on one occasion he announced in a speech there that when he was first called upon to form a government he was determined to have the unprecedented number of six Harrovians in his Cabinet .
2 ( On one occasion he helped in conjunction with a Dutch charitable organisation to arrange a holiday in the Netherlands for some of the children . )
3 Even the elements failed to subdue him — on one occasion he persisted in declaiming from the balcony overlooking the square at Samis for more than an hour , in the course of which a downpour cut the loudspeaker system dozens of times .
4 At one time he engaged in privateering and Burghley recommended marriage to any rich widow .
5 At one time he lived in Devon I think and he also has association with Yorkshire , so that is could be quite probably in the countryside but it does n't have to be a forest , does n't have to be a fox out there but he does actually say I imagine this midnight moment 's forest .
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