Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The UK 's factory closures , high unemployment and dislocation of trade of 1980–1 came with surprising exactitude virtually fifty years after the slump of 1931–33 .
2 Infusion of CCK-33 resulted in significant dose dependent reductions in gall bladder volume in all three experiments .
3 A lady of 74 presented with unstable angina and intractable pain , despite intravenous nitrates and maximal anti-anginal therapy , but without ECG or enzyme evidence of infarction .
4 Initially the satellite will carry two TV channels ( out of a maximum of five permitted by international allocation ) both provided by the BBC .
5 Between 1986-95 , they estimate a 33 per cent rise in the number of over-75s hospitalised for short-stay treatment alone .
6 Of the 1,792 people over the age of 15 questioned by Public Attitude Survey , 7 per cent believed the law should be the exclusive preserve of Christianity .
7 A woman of 40 came with digestive disturbance which had been around for twenty years and which had been ameliorated but not cured by previous homœopathic treatment .
8 He ended up with an average of 112.65 followed by English man Dave Milling on 112.11 with Welshman Ian Lougher third on 112 .
9 The season of 1983 began with another skirmish with Frank Dick over my non-selection for the European Indoor Championships .
10 Indeed , the altered conditions of 1939 led to some co-operation between fascist , anti-semitic and pro-German groups , although Leese was excluded from the informal alliance .
11 Crowds estimated at several tens of thousands massed in central Antananarivo daily in the week after the killings , as most workers apparently supported opposition calls for a general strike .
12 Lord Diplock went on to test the question arising in the case by asking what the words of the relevant section of the Act of 1968 meant in ordinary conversation .
13 The final tally was 41 , with 12 reported for possible prosecution , six cautioned , and 23 others either talked to or extremely worn out after a long chase .
14 The final tally was 41 , with 12 reported for possible prosecution , six cautioned , and 23 others either talked to or extremely worn out after a long chase .
15 This season 's quota of five such matches is suggested as the upper limit , with three planned for next season when Australia will play six Tests .
16 IBM now has 13 autonomous business units , with nine focused on specific product lines , and it is widely suggested that some of these need heavyweight industry veterans to run them effectively .
17 ( Similar allegations in 1971 led to one MP 's being suspended from the House . )
18 The Sept. 18 vote , by 55 to 40 , involved the rejection of an alternative proposal backed by the Bush administration , for a 90-day moratorium in 1993 followed by limited testing until 1998 .
19 A government report in 1963 concluded on this issue : ‘ A national policy of expansion would improve the regional picture ; and , in turn , a successful regional development programme would make it easier to achieve a national growth programme . ’
20 Australia was also forced to take a stand on drift-netting when the establishment of the Australian Fishing Zone in 1979 brought under Australian jurisdiction a Taiwanese drift fleet that had been operating , since the mid 1970s , in what had previously been international waters in the Timor and Arafura Seas off northern Australia .
21 Yet the reality is that very little money spent on science is spent on improving social welfare ; as Rose ( 1986 ) has pointed out , 50 per cent of the government 's science and technology budget in 1981–2 went on military research and development .
22 Media fame came with her use in the BBC 's serialisation of ‘ The Railway Children ’ in 1969 followed by limited use and ‘ retirement ’ in the mid-seventies .
23 At the Communist world conference in 1957 held in post-Sputnik euphoria , Mao Tse-tung declared that the East wind was prevailing over the West wind and that nuclear war would mean the end of capitalism but not of communism : if 300 million Chinese were killed , there would still be 300 million left alive .
24 An early attempt by ex-ministers to overthrow Banda in 1964 ended in total failure ; three high-ranking party members disappeared in a car crash in 1982 .
25 In 1927 it became a unit of the Imperial Agricultural Bureaux as the Imperial Mycological Institute and in 1930 moved into purpose-built accommodation on land leased from Kew Gardens .
26 But the fact that several critics began to challenge them as early as 1924 demonstrates that the campaign she had initiated in 1923 met with some success .
27 After six years at Bishop 's House he went to reside at St Urban 's , Leeds and then in 1982 moved to Holy Family , Leeds , taking over as Parish Priest from Canon Patrick Bradley in 1985 .
28 More than a third said they would take advantage of free insurance while one in four opted for free child places .
29 Berkshire is very similar in this respect to Wiltshire : on an average about one acre in four enclosed by private act , but rising on the chalk downs to more than one in two .
30 The change of Manager in 1974 coincided with Local Government Reorganisation which provided an opportunity for Derek Hyde , a Lancashire man himself , to leave Coventry City Transport which was being absorbed into the West Midlands PTE and come to Blackpool .
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