Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [noun pl] [conj] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Australia 's captain Phil Kearns is a confirmed fan , revealing : ‘ We talked about no shoving in the front row before the kick-off , but after five minutes that went out of the window .
2 Fork down to the right after 3.5 miles and go approx 50 yds to the river .
3 Four secondees were still struggling to settle-in some six months after their appointment , but most secondees adjusted within three months and went on to enjoy the scope to shape their jobs , to use their expertise and to become part of a team .
4 He arrives spot on time , is introduced in 15 words and goes off at high speed .
5 Isambard had halted and turned in the passage , frowning a little , in two minds whether to go back to him , but in the end he did not ; he merely waited for a little while , listening until the torrent of defiance had grown strangely shaken and softened with moments of entreaty .
6 Needless to say , Liverpool are aiming to better their first round performance in appalling weather when their side was reduced to 10 men and went down 4-2 .
7 For his part in the crime he was sentenced to ten years and went down with thirteen other accomplices for a total of fifty five years and £675,000 in fines .
8 Push the crate left to hit the switch , go down , collect the star and fly up , left and then down , go left , collect the star , fly straight right , then fly up , land on one of the platforms on the side of the wall , jump up and go right on the chair-lifts , go down , right through the wall , climb up the blocks , push the crate down two platforms and go back through the wall , go left , down , right and jump onto the boat , go right , up and left into the tent to complete the game .
9 The depth gauge tells you how deep you are an essential piece of equipment prices start at 20 pounds and lastly the backpack this hold the tank on your back prices start at 20 pounds and go up to 310 pounds the expensive one include an integrated life jacket which is adjustable .
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