Example sentences of "[prep] [det] have [adv] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some possible reasons for this have already been mentioned .
2 Some of the reasons for this have already been mentioned , but there are others as well and the whole lot may be summarised as follows :
3 The intuitive explanation for this has already been discussed : the greater the proportion of the variance of the composite disturbance term which is due to the variance of the more sensible it is to attribute more of any period 's composite disturbance to .
4 One of the Bf110s crashed at Nadur on Gozo Island , the crew being killed ; the reason for this has not been discovered .
5 And al already there are significant areas of that have actually been worked out .
6 I hope you 'll pick out what 's got to come from the East Midlands National airport , can I remind you that a list of that has already been made and passed by this council when there was not a Conservative majority and that had on it about seventy traffic calming schemes bottlenecks 'll be done all over this county which in themselves save accidents and save lives .
7 The effect of that has not been forgotten by either of the main parties .
8 Er that all of that has actually been quantified in financial terms to be expressed against the simple value of the gains that you 're talking about .
9 Aspects of this have already been surveyed .
10 The accounting implications of this have already been discussed in the previous section .
11 A replica of this has just been completed and is currently on show in the Museum of Scotland display area in Chambers Street .
12 Again , in terms of the quantitative restrictions that had bedevilled trade in the past , many of these had already been swept away or modified by OEEC .
13 The MPs elected in 1918 came near to meeting the expectations of 1911 and many of these had indeed been selected as candidates before the war : in 1918 the average age rose sharply ( over half were over fifty ) , the proportion with interests in the land fell , and the proportion with interests in business rose from 24 to 41 per cent .
14 One of these has already been put forward , by the CNAA early in 1982 , termed Model C. In its response to the July 1981 Green Paper , the CNAA is critical both of Model A and Model B , regarding Model A as inadequate and lacking credibility both on academic and other grounds , and Model B as too exclusive in that it creates a division between institutions substantially involved in the provision of public sector higher education and those only marginally so .
15 There are several quite elaborate private lists in existence , but none of these has yet been published .
16 They operate under Royal Charters , appoint their own staff , decide on their own admissions policies and have traditionally had academic freedom in their teaching and research , though the last of these has arguably been eroded in recent years by the ‘ earmarking ’ of government funds for specific subjects , and the need to seek sponsors for particular projects .
17 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
18 Both of these have also been raised in evaluations of the first six years of National Certificate 's operation .
19 New opportunities have been identified , and some of these have already been developed in South America .
20 Asylum has been refused for 150 , and 35 of these have already been deported .
21 Some of these have already been covered in our A–Z series and others will receive attention in due course .
22 The sites and forms of these have constantly been changing , so that often what appears as a nucleated village around a green can be shown to be the last , and a relatively late , development in the landscape .
23 Many towns were a forest of such towers but most of these have now been demolished .
24 Some 1800 of these have now been installed .
25 Only $1,800 million was authorized to keep the Northrop Corporation 's production lines open and to allow possible purchase of one more B-2 following completion of the 15 aircraft already funded ( only three of these having already been delivered ) .
26 The sample list of books is equally important , for it disarms criticisms of the kind : ‘ The books involved are obsolete and the shelf space is needed for more modern colourful illustrated books ’ , or ‘ Things like this have always been going on ’ , or ‘ We only get rid of popular novels when the rush is over ’ .
27 ‘ Nothing like this has ever been seen before , ’ says Dr Yervant Terzian , chairman of the university 's astronomy department and head of the research team .
28 The moderate pluralism of bargains , balance , and compromise within rules of the game designed to ensure fair play and fair shares for all had somehow been transformed into the perverted and self-defeating hyperpluralism of strong groups and weak government operating on the basis of a free-for-all where might was right .
29 Similar findings to these have also been reported in true Type 1 ( insulin-dependent ) diabetes ( Kaufman et al , 1975 ) .
30 To these have now been added a vast range of applications in fibres , films , housewares , rigid packaging and building .
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