Example sentences of "[prep] [det] with [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A man of great personal charm , he was yet stubborn and pugnacious towards those with whom he disagreed .
2 Such an attitude often hardens the attitude of those with whom one negotiates .
3 We will go on trying to provide the best and I would just like to say ‘ thank you from myself and my wife Eliza to the vast majority of those with whom we have had contact .
4 Salvadorean women , indignant at such servility and such silence on the part of those with whom we have entrusted the destiny of our Fatherland , demand that all our men declare themselves ready to defend our sovereignty , showing the world that Salvadoreans indeed have dignity .
5 Many young Germans , with that strong national instinct for cameraderie , regarded their periods of recuperation at rest camps , set amid the glorious woods and hills of Alsace and spent in the company of those with whom they had shared the common experience of Verdun , as among the more idyllic moments of the war .
6 Successful hedonists are , for short periods , very sensitive to the feelings of those with whom they talk , drink or make love , postpone the question ‘ Am I getting as much as I am giving ? ’ , and do not revert to egoism until the party is over .
7 A directorate and management will succeed only if they have the trust of those with whom they work — the need to develop a common involvement is important .
8 Transformation is preferred over transaction by those who believe that participative decision-making is crucial , but most managers — and the Earley and Fletcher-Campbell study underlines this — prefer to operate in both styles according to the nature of the task and the attitudes of those with whom they work .
9 Wendy was still living in Old Wolverton , and because of her shift work I did not see her very often ; and most of those with whom I had been friendliest were billeted in outlying areas .
10 You 'd have to be pretty desperate to want — anything like that with someone who looks like me . ’
11 The act of suicide among younger people is indeed often an act of anger against those with whom they live , and who have failed to solve their problems .
12 However much you pile up facts about the world in order to support an ethical case , you can not get an ethical conclusion unless you take some ethical premiss for granted , in a way which usually just begs the question against those with whom you disagree .
13 In moral ( or human ) science , by contrast , we deal with that with which we have immediate contact within ourselves — the human spirit and the forms in which it expresses and manifests itself .
14 Members sent Yacoubou medicines and some books , including some with which he taught himself to speak English .
15 Back in the city there were thousand of people doomed , dying and all unnecessarily because here was plenty , here was sufficient for the whole city and possibly the greatest sin that you and I can be guilty of and that the church is generally guilty of , but you know when we talk about the church generally its , its so easy because that 's general , you and I that are the church , not the denomination , not the organization , it you and I , possibly the greatest sin that we can be guilty of is the sin of silence , I 'm not talking now about a rude , belligerent , discourteous , butting hole , button holding of people , I 'm not talking about that , I do n't see any place in gods word for that sort of attitude or that sort of approach but are we still silent , what about with those with whom we have the right , because we 've created a relationship , because they know us and they 've seen us and they 've seen the experiences we 've gone through and they 've seen what god has done in our lives , what about with those people do we wait for others to do it , shifting the responsibility .
16 I hope , then , that this report on those who matriculated in 1966 will give some of us the opportunity to renew some of those special friendships — formed at a peculiarly impressionable time of our lives — with those with whom we have failed to keep in touch .
17 Reflection on smaller examples of causal circumstance and effect , such as those with which we began , is quite as capable of illustrating this fifth causal connection .
18 He spoke dreamily of the riches of America , the possibilities for his music , the one-in-the-eye for those with whom he felt himself continuously in competition .
19 It is because they make the decisions that they are often under sharp pressure both from those above them in the hierarchy who allocate resources and from those with whom they deal who want to receive them .
20 An agent must not , without his principal 's knowledge and consent , receive any reward or commission from those with whom he deals on his principal 's behalf , or derive any profit from transactions entered into on the principal 's behalf beyond the remuneration agreed upon .
21 He gives the strong impression of having been practical and conciliatory , a man who inspired confidence in those with whom he had dealings .
22 He assumed the same outlook in those with whom he played .
23 By the last decades of the seventeenth century a much heavier emphasis than ever before was being placed on the need for honesty , for the diplomat to behave in a way which inspired confidence in those with whom he dealt .
24 Her exit caused him more concern than if she had made it in the blaze of anger similar to that with which she had first confronted him .
25 He noted ‘ the disintegrating effect of Lloyd George on all with whom he had to deal ’ and came to regard him as ‘ a real corrupter of public life ’ .
26 Hilary had put far more into this office than the basic duties of a committee chairman and had presented a most favourable image of the Society and its work to all with whom she had come into contact .
27 Those that wanted little more than routine audits have been redirected to other firms , allowing Robson Rhodes to concentrate on those with which it felt it could build a long-term relationship as ‘ a business counsellor ’ .
28 The directorate of a company has a responsibility to those with whom they deal as people rather than just as instruments of profit .
29 In the New Testament this is supplemented by the command that all Christians are to love their neighbours as themselves — an act of personal charity to those with whom we have contact .
30 The person with a healthy Inner Face is the one who is most able to form good relationships with others ; he does not feel that he has to put on an act to impress yet neither does he feel superior to those with whom he comes in contact .
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