Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [adj] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mind you , I expect much the same could be said about my second-year essays if I 'm absolutely honest .
2 The Sun had all sorts of details about my private life that I never knew about .
3 I have to dress in my sweaty , dirty clothes and go back down to the kitchen , grumbling while she makes me a coffee , and I complain about my wet boots and she gives me a fresh pair of William 's socks to wear and I put them on and drink my coffee and whine about never being allowed to spend the night and tell her how just once I 'd like to wake up here in the morning , and have a nice , civilised breakfast with her , sitting on the sunny balcony outside the bedroom windows , but she makes me sit down while she laces my boots up , then takes my coffee cup off me and sends me out the back door and says I 've got two minutes before she arms the alarm and puts the infrared lights on stand-by so I have to go back the way I came , over the estate wall and through the wood and down into the stream where I get both feet wet and cold and I fall going up the bank and get all muddy and eventually drag myself up and through the hedge , scratching my cheek and tearing my polo-neck and then trudging across the field through heavy rain and more mud and finally getting to the car and panicking when I ca n't find the car keys before remembering I put them in the button-down back pocket of the jeans for safety instead of the side pocket like I usually do , and then having to put some dead branches under the front wheels because the fucking car 's stuck and finally getting away and home and even in the street light I can see what a mess of the pale upholstery my muddy clothes have made .
4 So it 's that is very alarming to think that erm somebody putting it about or happy to make available to others information about my domestic arrangements and my habits .
5 By this time I had released both canoe and paddle as I was much more concerned about my own safety than anything else .
6 ‘ You know I have n't walked so much during my entire lifetime as I 've walked these last few days , ’ he said with an effort to divert her from her dark thoughts .
7 Once when I was at school he told me that I should spend the entire summer working on improving my passing off my left hand and my kicking off my left foot .
8 There are exceptional circumstances , such as my total castration or my taking vows as a monk , where my only residual fitness is that which accrues to me through my assistances to relatives .
9 I 've been sifting through my daily routine and I 've turned up quite a handsome collection of finely-wrought deceits cultivated over the years .
10 Er , I I had to care for my elderly parents when my son was two and a half and I had a six month old baby and er , I would agree with the previous speaker , it certainly does change your life .
11 Knocking around the university , and living a little on my wits , I also learned , in the student press , something of practical value for my future career and something of the university of life .
12 This was only a week after the start of what was almost a revolutionary service — the cost : 1d for my eldest sister who was fourteen and half price or ½d for my other sister and myself .
13 I did not get a grant for my preclinical years so I worked half time in research for two years .
14 Captivated by Christ and his love she ‘ was greatly moved with love for my fellow Christians that they might know and see what I was seeing , for I wanted to cheer them too ’ .
15 I 've I 've got a knitting machine and I worked out how to do it on my knitting machine and made a cot blanket for my newest grandchild and it does really look very effective .
16 I have used shades of orange and yellow for my stylised flowers but you , of course , can choose your own favourite colours .
17 Is not the problem for my hon. Friend that there are so many diverse views on nutritional supplements that it is hard to know from which set of experts one should take advice ?
18 If I do n't get back and find Jeff soon it 'll be time for my last bus and I ca n't go without seeing him .
19 It was only when I went for my yearly check-up that I was told I had endometriosis .
20 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
21 ‘ Ah , but I need to know for sure , you see , because I have some doubts , and before you ask me why I should be so concerned I will assure you that this time it is partly for my own self-esteem that I would like to know . ’
22 I do think that the struggle for national liberation , certainly in my country at the times when we were most successful in that struggle , were the times when more opportunities were opened up for my own liberation and my own freedom of choice as a woman .
23 I gave him a rocket , but that was more for my own good than his .
24 He 's only doing it for my own good but I still do n't like it .
25 Perhaps it is fortunate for my own sake that I have no further letter now . ’
26 I now speak for my learned friend when I say that he will expert that .
27 I 've barely had time to wipe the blood off my axe after my last battle and it 's already time to hack my way through the next trail !
28 I suspect that Mum is angry about this , as she usually relies on me in the summer to look after my younger sister while she is at work .
29 He had been a reporter then and it was some time after their first meeting that he had begun his campaign to highlight the plight of the poor .
30 Ballymena soon settled after their indifferent start and they levelled matters on eight minutes with a goal which came right out of the blue .
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