Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun] make it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then they found that neither party stood a chance of winning seats as rivals , but that the regional distribution of their supporters made it possible to share out constituencies without drawing up a common platform .
2 After all , it must have crossed his mind — just once — that the timing of their lovemaking made it possible for Thomas to have been his ?
3 The firm took a leading part in the introduction in 1855–6 of the new steel-making process devised by ( Sir ) Henry Bessemer [ q.v. ] , and the continuing expansion of their business made it necessary to build a separate boiler-making works in Ardwick , employing 500 men and producing six boilers a week .
4 This time the army has gone out of its way to make it clear , publicly , that it has no views on what has been going on .
5 It is also ideal for swimming , and the gentle gradient of its shores makes it safe for children .
6 However , the steepness of its banks made it impossible for vehicles to cross except by the bridge at the southern and of the town which , in 1815 , was only two and a half yards wide at its broadest point .
7 This was certainly not necessary for the decision of the case ; but though the resolution of the Court of Common Pleas was only a dictum , it seems to me clear that Lord Coke deliberately adopted the dictum , and the great weight of his authority makes it necessary to be cautious before saying that what he deliberately adopted as law was a mistake , and though I can not find that in any subsequent case this dictum has been made the ground of the decision , except in Fitch v. Sutton ( 1804 ) 5 East 230 , as to which I shall make some remarks later , and in Down v. Hatcher ( 1839 ) 10 Ad. & El .
8 This sweeping view of our species makes it clear that we must urgently learn from our past to plan for our future .
9 Orwell warned in 1946 that the English language ‘ becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish , but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts . ’
10 There were plenty of gates and there were numerous ways out of the square , and the park itself was barely a couple of hundred yards across ; just another backstreet pigeon trap with no feature other than a strange half-timbered lodge near its centre to make it unique , but still she hesitated to enter .
11 I wore the shantung tea-gown and a gold circlet round my forehead to make it clear that I 'm the Queen .
12 But the ( often severe ) tensions and conflicts so evident in their formation make it impossible to rest on explanations m market and liberal terms .
13 Although everyone somehow seemed to have been looking the other way at the time , the young man 's explanation was accepted and written down in his file to make it true .
14 For God in his wisdom made it impossible for people to know him by means of their own wisdom ( v. 21 ) .
15 Dr C. N. Manlove writes ‘ the Voice ’ off as ‘ providential ’ , and clearly thinks it one more example of the ‘ biased fortune ’ which in his opinion makes it impossible to take the story seriously .
16 Luke had to raise his voice to make himself heard above the noise of the rotors , but the grin on his face made it clear that he , at least , was enjoying himself .
17 ‘ I 'll finish his bed and get him to lie on his side to make it easy for thee .
18 Setting up the program can be time-consuming — you have to back up your entire hard disk , repartition it and encrypt it — so you 'd have to have some really important data on your machine to make it worthwhile .
19 It 's a conventional dome tent with two poles running diagonally across its apex making it square-sided with long funnel-shaped bellends .
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