Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] it have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 It looked as if it had just been brought home by Susan from Blackpool .
2 She noticed that his hair had scissor marks in it , as if it had just been dry cut .
3 I stared stupidly at the bag in my hand as if it had just been dropped there from a helicopter .
4 The Z88 's line editor may then be used to edit the line as if it had just been typed in .
5 The line to be edited is now in the input buffer and may be edited as if it had just been typed in .
6 She said , ‘ Oh , I see , ’ as if it had n't been obvious to her that the photograph was old .
7 The remark was so puzzling Pascoe continued as if it had n't been spoken .
8 ‘ The evil of Sauron can not be wholly cured ’ , replies Gandalf , ‘ nor made as if it had not been . ’
9 Her mother had been so excited at the attention paid to her , almost as if it had not been Louise but she herself who was attracting the attention of the young gentlemen .
10 On some mornings the ducks on Three Island Pond would take off in great arcing flights against the sun , round and behind the Cages and out of sight , round again and behind the distant trees and then suddenly back again as if it had all been a mistake and they had never meant to fly off in the first place .
11 It was as if it had all been planned .
12 And as if it had all been a bad dream , Tara wakes up soon after .
13 Even Scouse 's latrine had disappeared as if it had never been there .
14 It would seem that everything between them has been ruined — but no , they decide to treat the day as if it had never been ; and when he has gone Emily picks up her goose-quill pen and again writes ‘ Dear Edmund ’ .
15 The whole Home Rule movement , with roots going far back into the past , melted quietly away as if it had never been .
16 That same night she had gone to Yeoman 's Lane for the last time , accepting without pain that she had thought their love was untouchable , yet now it was as if it had never been .
17 About two-thirds of the sacks of refuse had gone , and the pit she had seen was as if it had never been , under a litter of dead leaves where a couple of blackbirds foraged .
18 The miniature stainless-steel kitchenette looked as if it had never been cooked in .
19 His mood changed like quicksilver , the sombreness vanishing as if it had never been there .
20 The slight warmth was absolutely gone as if it had never been .
21 Her ability to be cold and untouchable seemed to have gone as if it had never been .
22 The open sewer in the high street looked as if it had never been cleaned and at times we squelched ankle deep in human excrement .
23 If the representation has been made fraudulently or recklessly ( not caring whether or not it is true ) , then at common law the remedy of rescission is available ( setting the contract aside as if it had never been made at all ) , together with a right to recover any money laid out .
24 In the group accounts , the subsidiary undertaking is treated as if it had always been a member of the group .
25 Stephen wanted the hotel to look as if it had always been there , part of the landscape , and Paul suggested a South American landscape architect , whom he had heard of .
26 Beyond the gathered T'ang his palace sat atop its artificial mound , firmly embedded , as if it had always been there , its pure white walls topped with steep roofs of red tile , the whole great structure capped by a slender six-storey pagoda that stood out , silhouetted against the sky .
27 I find the name in my head , as if it had always been there : Hyde Hill Lane .
28 as if it had ever been there .
29 And I remember the day it went from Extended Titling to three three four and it was just three three four , it did n't look as if it had ever been intended to set these lines .
30 Ray Shepherd was a tall man with a craggy , lined face that looked as if it had once been weathered but was now the colour of chalk .
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