Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pron] could [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now it looks as if nothing could stop West Germany taking the lead with her unbeatable combination of credentials : guilt , enthusiasm , material interest and money .
2 Lou 's heightened colour betrayed her embarrassment , as if she could read Melissa 's unspoken disapproval at this example of male chauvinism .
3 Ana seemed to pick up the vibes very quickly and tagged along with Mitch , laughing at his humour , turning her head from time to time in Maggie 's direction as if she could hear steam coming from her ears .
4 She felt as if she could trust Bernard .
5 Her father turned , to look suddenly up the stairs , as if he could sense Ellie hidden there , listening .
6 It was as if I could see Dorothy looking at them , looking at them , trying to draw something from them to help her to hold on .
7 ( ‘ as if you could kill time without injuring eternity , ’ Thoreau said . )
8 The Library Association took legal advice on whether they could take action , but were apparently advised that they did not have the ‘ locus ’ to intervene in this way .
9 THE GOVERNMENT 's handling of the Maastricht bill came under fierce attack yesterday when it emerged that the Prime Minister has taken legal advice on whether he could by-pass Parliament .
10 ‘ But incidents like this are pretty rare and we would have to look at whether we could justify expenditure . ’
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