Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pron] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Big Six and other large firms need to face up to the question of whether they want to be professionals or commercial profit-maximising organisations .
2 Thus the name " Shakespeare " rigidly refers to Shakespeare , irrespective of whether we happen to be talking about what Shakespeare did or wrote , or did not do or write but might have done or written , i.e. about his actual or merely possible attributes .
3 ‘ In future cases where a new regime comes to power unconstitutionally our attitude on the question of whether it qualifies to be treated as a government , will be left to be inferred from the nature of the dealings , if any , which we may have with it , and in particular on whether we are dealing with it on a normal government to government basis .
4 If it is n't then you 've got ta make a choice of whether you want to be private or whether you want to run the risk of someone using it as cover .
5 '' It is as if we have to be deeply conscious of our need and eager for God 's promised blessings .
6 They hesitated as if they expected to be dismissed , and then hurled themselves noisily on Kadan .
7 She had guessed it would look better — more disarming — not to be carrying a bag ; as if she expected to be out only for a short time .
8 Susan felt the gesture as if it had barely lapsed — felt his hand on the nape of her neck , the gentle pull that turned her face up to his — and she cried out , almost as if she hoped to be heard .
9 ‘ He was a great poet , ’ I said , as if she needed to be told .
10 When he got you home he would strip at once , taking everything off right there and laying his clothes down on the hall floorway as if he had to be naked at once , methodically removing every item .
11 His stance was apologetic , almost cringing as if he expected to be dealt a blow .
12 God is never spoken of as if he needs to be reconciled to us .
13 Under the STV popularity is nevertheless what our MPs would have to go all out for if they wanted to be re-elected .
14 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
15 Over against heaven is hell , separation from God , and again there is a wide variety of views as to whether one has to be ‘ actively bad ’ or just unconverted to be in hell after death .
16 A Bill may well be approved , if time is available , in which case whether it ever completes its course depends entirely on whether there happens to be sufficient time .
17 Even when people are very severely disturbed they can express legitimate choices about whether they wish to be alone or in company , occupied or relaxing , about the food they like , about whether they would prefer silence or a music-filled room , and so forth .
18 Although that does not necessarily mean that they are good or bad managers , it may have an impact on the employees ' decision about whether they wish to be part of any bid .
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