Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [Wh pn] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For some who made the journey into Wales , the experience was profound : on a warm summer night in 1791 William Wordsworth had climbed to the top of Snowdon to watch the sun rise , and had found there an intensity of natural beauty which he never forgot .
2 But it was the stranger after all who began the conversation .
3 ‘ You were the one after all who wanted the truth .
4 Outside of the dealerships , and there are only a few of these who understand the publishing process , a number of companies have established themselves as providers of independent advice , training and support .
5 The title of the Department reflects the University 's belief that higher education is not the prerogative of the undergraduate but of all who retain an interest in learning , whether at a highly professional or purely recreational level .
6 It also insisted that the North Korean government had to accept the full list of names and guarantee the safe return of all who made the trip .
7 These are of two types , namely those that necessarily exclude outsiders and create an ingroup ; and those that are inclusively internationalist , and promote the common human characteristics of all who share the planet .
8 ‘ We have charted the progress of all who enter the Vortex for aeons .
9 I am one of many who saw the appointment of Dr Carey as Archbishop of Canterbury as a prophetic choice for England .
10 Being such an " odd bod " he was the butt of many who took the opportunity to make it known that he was different from us , and whether we thought we would in time change him was something that was a hope — happily a fond hope .
11 This , plus the fact that the role entailed involving the County Librarian and " selling the project " to the DCSLs , meant that the ACL:E&SS covered the spectrum from working politically with senior management of the education service to the coordination of those who implemented the project at the nuts and bolts level .
12 The legions of those who betrayed the Emperor during the Horus Rebellion had fled to the Eye and thereafter … had mutated vilely .
13 It is possible , and indeed likely , that many of them voted for the party despite some of its specific plans and intentions , and opinion polls sometimes indicate that a majority of those who support a party or government do so while opposing one or more of its particular policies .
14 A very early one is by Donald Munro , Dean of the Isles , who travelled through them and in 1594 published a " Description of the Western Isles " which is almost literally just that , with a full list of the small islands round the coast , but an edition by R. W. Munro in 1961 after a further manuscript had been found gives a description of Finlaggan , a photograph not previously published and a list of those who constituted the council of the Lords of the Isles .
15 A very early one is by Donald Munro , Dean of the Isles , who travelled through them and in 1594 published a " Description of the Western Isles " which is almost literally just that , with a full list of the small islands round the coast , but an edition by R. W. Munro in 1961 after a further manuscript had been found gives a description of Finlaggan , a photograph not previously published and a list of those who constituted the council of the Lords of the Isles .
16 The formal methods are based on the external and formal means for the enforcement of the law , and for the punishment of those who break the law .
17 Some of those who attended the lecture have implied to me that not everyone took it particularly seriously .
18 It is by now quite well known ( certainly it will have come to the attention of those who attended the Statute Law Society 's Annual Conference at Cambridge in 1988 ) that the European Court 's method of interpreting Community legal texts is primarily teleological , that is to say the interpretation of a provision on the basis of its object and purpose .
19 Although some of the worst fears of those who dislike the market mentality can be discarded there is no doubt that complete freedom of competition particularly in social care , will not work .
20 We should beware of those who use the word glibly about a state of mind which has no social dimension .
21 This seems to be the maxim of those who use the library and information service which has been even busier in the last session .
22 That is a proposition without logic , because the power contained in the Bill is a power to vary income tax : it may be raised or it may be lowered depending on the political judgment of those who form the majority in a Scottish Parliament .
23 It is notable , however , that many of those who form the audience for these books have continued to regard generic he as ‘ just a rule of grammar ’ which should not be altered to suit the transient whims of feminists , though they may feel under some pressure from certain quarters to use nonsexist forms in their writing .
24 Great skill is also required of those who devise the layout of the results , since the output from the analysis many also be extensive , hard to assimilate and capable of misinterpretation .
25 He was also one of those who formed the force that took part in the famous Dr. Jamieson 's Raid that led to the outbreak of the Boer War , and after the war , was a farmer in Rhodesia for ten years before returning to Scotland , where he died in 1951 .
26 Source C " The impression left on the minds of those who heard the speech , after the first sensations of surprise had passed , was that the whole thing had been arranged long before and that , while in the Cabinet and committee they had been making panic stricken efforts to balance the budget , the whole business had been a humbug and make-believe . "
27 Brunnson clearly follows the line of those who question the need for a totally comprehensive , rational planning system , but his management methodology does contain a considerable element of rational analysis , despite the title of his book .
28 Of those who know the story before they thrust
29 It is the community of those who know the rule of the King
30 This will enhance the value of those who hold the LCCIEB qualification since it will provide evidence of basic competence founded on sound academic knowledge .
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