Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] [conj] it have " in BNC.

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1 Erm once they 've they 've gone off this sheet and it 's been transferred incorrectly to the project plan and the price of the plan .
2 And she knew she did , but it was only during this moment that it had happened , in this moment of revelation .
3 And it was n't Iris who told us , though she had known for some time that it had come through the Strait shortly after the Belgrano had been sunk .
4 I have tried for a grant from the War Office for this purpose but it has not been awarded .
5 Brazil provides a particularly interesting terrain for this study because it has a very limited social security provision and few effective laws in the area of employment protection .
6 I can put a point rather more crudely than the Lord put it , but I realise that the present Government find it inconceivable , one day they will be in opposition , but I do wonder if they would have shown quite the same enthusiasm for this solution if it had been forthcoming from a Labour Government .
7 They had really tired of each other and it had become a struggle between them that was slow to surface until the Diamond Dogs tour because a lot of things happened on that tour that they were both very unhappy about .
8 Under the old system , the Leader of the PLP would be seen to enjoy the confidence of that body because it had elected him through an exhaustive ballot .
9 They were free to raise funds elsewhere if they could , and one at least got a substantial sum from a local authority which would not have supported a project of that nature if it had not come to them from their own school children .
10 He was drawing an interesting image from the mythology of another culture and it had seemed to him fresh and new .
11 Also , in parallel with the United States , the influence of public policy seems to have been an additional factor of some importance since it has been observed that the policy of the occupying powers after 1947 probably strengthened the tendency to form enterprise-based unions rather than alternative structures for bargaining purposes ( Levine , 1981 ) .
12 To begin with , the term notion is itself a cause of some confusion since it has been interpreted in different ways in relation to its companion function .
13 Let's read the second part of this question cos it 's taken us er quite some time to do it but excellent question .
14 Father Andrew , the saintly co-founder of the Society of the Divine Compassion , wrote to one of his many correspondents : ‘ To me it is one of me most hopeful things of this epoch that it has produced C. S. Lewis . ’
15 Argov himself had written an earlier letter of such hostility that it had to be returned by the paper because its contents were regarded by lawyers at The Times as potentially defamatory .
16 But I wish to record at once that , in my opinion , it is of such importance that it has a powerful bearing upon the consideration by your Lordships of the central question in the case .
17 ‘ I ca n't pretend that I have found it a burden of such onerousness that it has disturbed what I have needed to do in my company , ’ he commented this week .
18 This book is useful but could have been of more value if it had been more clearly grounded in practice .
19 Not only this , the latest multi-function instruments can scan and monitor all engine conditions — oil T & P , CHT , OAT , etc. — and warn of any abnormality before it has time to result in damage .
20 Although the glass-rubber transition itself does not depend on polymer structure , the temperature at which T g is observed depends largely on the chemical nature of the polymer chain and for most common synthetic polymers lies between 170 and 500 K. It is quite obvious that T g is an important characteristic property of any polymer as it has an important bearing on the potential application of a polymer .
21 Because of the uncertainty of the outcome of future attempts to develop and test a research programme , it can never be said of any programme that it has degenerated beyond all hope .
22 She laughed him off , saying he was becoming obsessed with that MP and it had already been noticed that his column carried far too many stories about him .
23 It is essential to add that plate tectonics has crept into this matter as it has into every other aspect of the earth sciences .
24 The government could claim with some truth that it had forced through changes in managerial behaviour so that concepts like efficiency , cost-effectiveness and productivity were accorded more weight in the organisational culture .
25 ( 2 ) Any officer , servant or agent of the Bank may , on producing if required evidence of his authority , enter any premises occupied by any person on whom a notice could be served under section 39 above for the purpose of obtaining there such information or documents as are specified in the authority , being information or documents that could have been required by such a notice ; but the Bank shall not authorise any person to act under this subsection unless it has reasonable cause to believe that if such a notice were served it would not be complied with or that any documents to which it would relate would be removed , tampered with or destroyed .
26 Alders and willows and rich grass and wild rose briars described a great , smooth horseshoe shape that was still hollowed gently into the green earth , with such authority that it had been acknowledged in perpetuity as a natural boundary , and a single large field hemmed within it .
27 The insidious growth of statutory planning restrictions , since the.first real control was introduced forty years ago , has increased with such rapidity that it has often been difficult to keep abreast of new legislation without concentrating exclusively on this aspect of the development process .
28 Once upon a time Fenna had brooded on a hoard for so many years and with such desire that it had quickened and grown , diamonds breeding and bringing up their young under his weight .
29 Some , Allen guessed , had been several weeks unused ; others , not since the winter rains ; of one of them he said with more certainty that it had been used recently , perhaps yesterday .
30 The government has met with less success than it had anticipated in its policy of compelling local authorities to put services out to competitive tender .
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