Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [conj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would n't fool them for long but it would do for a moment .
2 Overseas markets too are affected , for only if they can reach ports at reasonable cost and efficiency can goods be readily exported .
3 In other words , Laura 's idea of the working woman was one who worked at home , and her needs should be catered for so that she could look attractive in the environment in which she naturally flourished .
4 walking you will continue to support the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the A N C and Cosatu and others in South Africa that our eyes should be on the prize and that is to get democracy and the first democratic parliament in the country and after that to help in the horrendously difficult task of reconstruction and development and it is going to be a tough battle in South Africa as elsewhere and we will need to work not just for political democracy because you know so often democratic processes are misunderstood for empowerment of ordinary people and what democracy should really mean is that ordinary people have the opportunity to determine their own destiny and you know from your own advanced society and others how little power individuals have as a result of power of finance capital , of industry and of technology now .
5 I do n't know what we want for tonight but we might go down my sister 's this afternoon so we want something easy for when we come back .
6 The bullets may bounce off the sides of the slits or go plumb through the middle , so that we can not be certain of exactly where they will hit the second screen .
7 ‘ I wonder , when you 're allowed out of here if you 'd like to come to my humble abode to recuperate ?
8 ‘ Just fly us out of here and I 'll take my complication with me . ’
9 I must get out of here or I shall say other things .
10 " We 'll have to get her out of there before I can do anything , Mr Stokill . "
11 Anyway , you 'll be out of there and you 'll get a great job and be able to do what you like . ’
12 It could be argued that on occasions I 've taken on things which probably I have n't done as well out of financially as I might have done if I 'd done something else .
13 They navigated by the , by the ley lines , that 's why you find monuments built up on hills so they could stand in the middle of the of nowhere and they could see a , they could either feel it through their feet
14 ‘ I ca n't think of anywhere where I 'd get better working conditions than that . ’
15 Mr Robinson admitted that the Office of Fair Trading which pledged to investigate the complaints was ‘ not necessarily acting as quickly as I would like it to . ’
16 So they do n't say you know it , it 's like in York you 'll have it worse than somewhere like here cos we can see the careers officers running around
17 I shall buy a house somewhere near here and I shall live there .
18 ‘ Is there anywhere near here where we could get some bread and cheese ? ’ asked Breeze , thinking that at this moment she could eat a dog-biscuit with gusto .
19 We decided to use our green ballot box that we made and painted for the Maastricht campaign for people to post their cards into so that we can count them at the end and post them all together .
20 Well , it 's a rather complicated thing but I think we need the cameras and I think we must go ahead and get them into so that we can see if they work as well in in terms of road safety as they have in trials elsewhere , because the results that have been obtained in London and also in Cornwall and Nottingham have been very very impressive , as you know .
21 Now we ca n't let you go upstairs but later on you 'll see the room up above here and you can see where that goes to .
22 Well don do n't stick it under there cos it 'll get forgotten in fact I 'll take it upstairs .
23 You do n't need to go actually to the end with your numbers but you can take your line right along there cos you might find at the last minute there 's an extra one you want to put on .
24 take something along there and they will value it free of charge providing you 've got a copy of the Express !
25 look at it , I will wash your hand in two seconds , when you 're ready , here , I 'll just wipe it with a bit of loo roll for now and we 'll wash it when your ready
26 The sergeant would appear from somewhere and you 'd dash the cigarette quickly , but the smoke aroma hung around the doorway .
27 Every Saturday , from 4 July until 29 August inclusive , the Park is open until 9.30pm so you can enjoy the rides , attractions and live entertainment for longer .
28 Mr Pattison said : ‘ They started to push her from behind and she could hear that she was getting nearer and nearer the River Skerne .
29 I know a little restaurant in a back street not far from here where we 'll do reasonably well .
30 Well , he , it 's not that far away and it 's , if he 's in here and they can see to him , fair enough , or they might be able to point him in a different direction , a better direction
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