Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] because [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well , old was doing the the executorship for them because he poked his nose into everything !
2 As far as I could ever determine , he really did do that — he actually sat down and wrote a song for them because he liked them and did n't want them to go away .
3 And , of course , that was something so different for me because they treated you like one of themselves .
4 Working part of lunchtime had a slight advantage for me because it meant I now had a bit more time to load the container rail set .
5 It was from the credit that the , I went the education secretary his , his secretary was retiring and er he came for me because he knew I knew Guild and Co-operative work you know .
6 More than sixty years after the event , while watching a child of his own try out his first steps , he suddenly stated in reminiscence and satisfaction to his most intimate Spanish friend , ‘ I remember that I learned to walk by pushing a big tin box of sweet biscuits in front of me because I knew what was inside . ’
7 You used to surprise some of them because they thought they 'd done it before you 'd notice . ’
8 Victoria said , ‘ And why he asked me not to call him uncle in front of you because it made him sound old ! ’
9 It was right at the very beginning when you had to ask him about the introduction , I thought you were going straight off from the business card and all the rest of it and what you actually had was your C C Q in front of you because it took you all that time to get round to it .
10 I may have made an unconscious movement towards him because he gave me a last malevolent grin and disappeared into the crowd .
11 They wanted to get rid of her because they thought she was an interfering busybody .
12 Clarissa did n't want to make too much fun of him because she knew he was serious , so she picked up her glass , filled by the waiter from the fresh bottle .
13 I did n't think there were any prints on the other rounds , and there ca n't be any of mine because I handled them in gloves .
14 and of course the insurance people would not pay out on either , wiped their hands of it because they reckoned it was nothing
15 She laughed at the very thought of it because she doubted it was possible because her conception of God was too small .
16 In other words , I saw the town as being completely different towards him at the outset of the film , and then in snide little ways he would turn them against him because he carried his violence with him .
17 And after that it seemed so horrible , is there something even more wrong with me because I thought it was so horrible ? ’
18 Though these men were perfectly acceptable to Theodore , Wilfrid is said to have declared himself unable to serve God in unity with them because he regarded them as strangers to the Catholic Church ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 30 ) .
19 But Peter said to him , may your silver perish with you because you thought you could obtain the gift of God without mo , with money !
20 " I know how you came by your money , Harry Pascoe , and I know that Sam was only in with you because you gave him no alternative .
21 But he ta also he talked with her because he sought her salvation .
22 For the most fleeting of moments , she knew humiliation , but then anger surged , and an aching triumph with it because she knew he could not deny her .
23 ‘ But then , ’ he excused , ‘ I 've had but a short while to suspect — when you were prepared to leave without fulfilling your agreement to your sister whom you love so much — that you might , dare I believe it , be running from me because you loved me and had been badly hurt by my ‘ clinging ’ accusation . ’
24 We are blessed in him because he gave his life for us .
25 Its crassness repelled her but it slid inside her because she recognized it as her name and suddenly there was a dark pit , a chasm , a void , and the gravity of being dragged her down into the dark heart of weight .
26 Knox J. held that ‘ Mrs. Steed was tricked into signing what her daughter put before her because she trusted her
27 And you , Opal , you will exult in it because you made it possible .
28 There certainly was n't in mine because I 'd I 'd been sacked .
29 People are doing it for him because they loved him very much and he was a very funny guy as well as a kind person .
30 Surere , presumably , had sent for him because he needed his help ; why was it , then , that he gave the impression of bestowing a favour ?
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