Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] be the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , Payne and Prudential 's Rodney Dennis both say they want brokers ' research , and dealing through them is the way they get it .
2 You may think that thick and thin Ethernet differ in size , but the main difference between them is the ranges they can cover : a thick Ethernet cable can be 500m long , whereas its skinny relative can only manage 150m .
3 The only thing that ruined the game for me was the time it took to load each room .
4 The thing that delighted both of them was the time they had achieved — 54 minutes to complete 10 miles of very tricky going .
5 On the desk in front of her was the envelope which had arrived that morning .
6 History is taught as if the industrial revolution , the most significant event since the development of agriculture , just happened , simply by the outworking of blind economic forces ; and as if the only people to be consciously aware of it were the aesthetes who reacted against its artifacts , or who , like Karl Marx , sought to analyse those forces and to predict their course .
7 Yes , but it seems like it 's the mothers who are directing the little boys to think big and directing the little girls to think small .
8 Although experimental methods provide a highly economical and efficient method of investigating a speaker 's responses to particular items of structure , the main difficulty associated with them is the mismatch which sociolinguists have consistently found between what speakers claim when they are directly questioned , and what they actually do , as evidenced by their linguistic behaviour in naturally occurring conversation .
9 With them was the letter he had not opened .
10 with them being the squares you 'd lose a hell of a lot coming down the stairs
11 ‘ Nothing with you is the way it looks — so you would have me believe , ’ observed Marc with a sardonic downward glance .
12 So erm the funeral , with it being the weekend it wo n't be till next , next week the funeral .
13 What was disturbing about him was the impression he gave one of the potential of undercover intimidation , difficult to pin down and therefore impossible to counter .
14 What matters for him is the conflict which arises from their combination .
15 Once , it was a pop cliche that the records which mattered most to you were the ones which marked your earliest sexual encounters or which signposted key events in your adolescence .
16 She was n't aware of how her voice softened when she said the word ‘ Mother ’ , although she did know that the precepts of morality and etiquette that she remembered her mother spelling out to her were the ones she kept most assiduously .
17 All that was substantial to her was the boy whom she touched all down the length of her but did not touch .
18 I only want to know one thing ; I know it should n't be all-important , but deep down it 's the thing I 've thought about most . "
19 It is not very surprising that government and state should often appear as synonymous for it is the government which speaks on the state 's behalf .
20 Leicester needed the goalstart for it was the visitors who surged forward with the best of the goal chances .
21 A good example of that that I read about it was the naturalist who was making a study of snakes .
22 Well I do it all look at it 's the way you say it .
23 Then , when Albert Dawes moved to Luton Town , Jack became our leading goalscorer and he topped the Palace 's scoring charts in 1936–37 and 1937–38 ; almost certainly , his most satisfying strike for us was the goal he scored in Palace 's 3–1 win at Shepherds Bush against his old club on May Day 1937 in the last match of that season .
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